SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton

Book: SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
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The answer is obvious. Right now I’ll do anything if it means getting Carrie back. Anything.
    I get dressed and head downstairs to my car. I need to get over the Caliber, if Jessup’s still there. I want to know what he’s up to. I don’t think much about what I’m doing. Instead, I trust my instincts. There’s been something lucking at the edge of my mind; a piece has been missing this whole time, and I get the feeling Jessup Lee might be sitting on it.
    I pull up outside the club and I’m rewarded with an almost instant sighting of the man. Had I shown up in the squad car, he would have seen me. Luckily, my personal car is pretty unremarkable. I breathe a sigh of relief when he doesn’t look up. He jumps into a car I haven’t seen before. It’s a four-door Audi that looks more like a family car. When he leaves, I pull into traffic behind him. It’ll be interesting to see where this trip ends up, and today, I’ve got all the time in the world.
    An hour later I’m heading home with a grin on my face. I knew sooner or later something big would come to me. This time, I’m not going to fuck it up with any attempts to make a move without thinking. As I drive, everything starts to come together in my mind. I realize I’m going to need to take my time and create a plan. I can’t afford to make another mistake at this point. With only a civilian’s ability to act under the law, I’m going to need to enlist some extra help.
    I get in. Brenda and George are home; I hear the little guy before I even get inside the apartment. I greet him with a hug. It’s good to see him. He grounds me, that little man. He’s ecstatically happy to see me and as usual, it makes me remember how lucky I am to have him in my life. Now, all I need is to find Carrie and things in my world will be okay again.
    We chat for a bit and he tells me about his day. He’s excited to be getting his cast removed in a few days. I have to make time to take him on a surprise visit to the skateboard park when this is all over. The kid deserves some enjoyment. With all the time I’ve spent away lately, it’ll be worth it. Once I see George is get into his video games, I step outside to get some privacy. I need to see what else Ryan has found out.
    “Ryan, it’s Blake. I’ve got something new.”
    “Hey. What did you learn?” he asks.
    “You’re not going to believe it. I can’t talk on the phone. Can you come over?”  I wait while he umms and ahhs. I know he’s quite busy already and I’ve already asked a bunch of favors off the guy. As usual, he delivers.
    “Okay, Blake, give me an hour and I’ll be there.”
    The hour passes slowly and my mind wanders. If I go to Ryan with this type of favor, he may balk. The guy has a right to turn me down. I have to make sure I don’t pressure him. Our friendship is not something I want to put in jeopardy.
    Finally, he gets here.
    “Hey buddy!” He says as I let him in. He sits at one of the bar stools on Brenda’s floor.
    “Hey Ryan. Want something to drink?”
    “Water’s good,” he answers, and catches the bottle I throw over to him from the fridge. He grins and I sit down across from him.
    “So,” I start, not wanting to waste any time. “You know that favor we talked about?”
    He nods and sips his drink.
    “Well bro, I’m sorry but I have to call it in.”
    “Today?” He sound a little surprised. “You must have had a busy morning.”
    “I’ll tell you more later, but for now I need eyes on Neon and on Jason Cooper. Can you do it?”
    He nods and drains his water. “Of course, buddy. It’s nothing.”
    “Yeah? Thanks, Ryan.”
    “No problem,” he answers. He looks around the place, and to be honest, he seems nervous. “I’ve gotta go now but I’ll be in touch. In the meantime, do me a solid and look after yourself.”
    “I will. I’m just running some surveillance on Lee. It’s harmless. Nothing to worry about.”
    “Ok bud, keep your phone on.”
    With that, I walk

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