SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Page A

Book: SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
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him to the door.
    “Thanks man,” I tell him.
    “You’re welcome.”
    I close the door and take a breath. I’m grateful for old friends and modern technology. George is still sitting contented on the couch and Brenda is in her room, so I grab my keys and slip out the door.
    Finally, things are on the move. I plug my phone into the hands free kit on my visor and hit a drive through coffee shop. Who knows how long this is going to take.

Chapter 14
    It’s turning out to be another busy day. My to-do list is long and getting longer as time passes. Every task has elements—layers of analysis or additional action items. It makes it difficult to check anything off as completed. Saturdays can be like that. But it’s the reason I chose to work today—it’s quieter around here.
    The lab is clean and peaceful. There’s a shift technician around somewhere for emergency processing, but otherwise it’s just me here. So I use the time to clean my office and make a dent in checking things off the list. I just left a message for Blake. I don’t know what that guy’s been up, to but I’d like to know. His picture should be in the dictionary under the word tenacity. I get the feeling he’s never going to give up on April Lee and Carrie James, even if he is fired.
    He called in a favor, and I’m working on it today. But before my time gets away from me, I need to call Brenda.
    “Hi Brenda,” I greet her when she answers. “It’s me, Ryan.”
    “Hi Ryan. Yes, I know it’s you. But Blake’s here. I can’t talk,” She says in a whispered tone.
    “I know he’s there. We just spoke.”
    “Is everything okay?” She says, sounding worried.
    “Yes. He’s just concerned about April Lee and Carrie James.”
    “Right. That’s completely understandable.”
    “Agreed. So hey, I was thinking we could have dinner again?”
    “Sure,” she answered. “When were you thinking?”
    “That sounds great,” she says after a long pause. “Where would you like to meet up, Ryan?”
    “How about I pick you up? I’ll be taking a break at about seven pm. See you at eight, then?”
    “Sounds good. Looking forward to it.”
    “Me too.”
    “Ryan, sorry I’ve got to go. See you then.”
    Hanging up, I feel pleased. I haven’t been interested in anyone for a while. And Brenda’s special. The time seems to fly by, and soon, it’s time to get ready for my date. I even manage to get a few things crossed off the list. I grab my keys and head home. I live close by—near Central Park—so I’m home and changed in almost no time. This is good, because I know Brenda will expect me to be on time. More importantly, I like being on time.
    I take a different route to Blake and Brenda’s place in Brooklyn, and when I pull in, Brenda is loading George into a minivan with a bunch of other kids. She waves and the driver of the minivan beeps cheerily. He’s off to a pajama party of some sort with other little boys his age. Neither of them sees me. I pull in pretty close to the curb and wave out the passenger window I lowered.
    She doesn’t miss a step when she approaches, but she raises those eyebrows the same way Blake does. I can’t help laughing. The two of them are classic brother and sister material. They’re physically similar, and share facial expressions and body language, but in every other way, they’re different.
    Brenda walks over and I get out to open the passenger side door for her. “Umm, nice car Ryan,” she says. “Let me guess, new purchase?”
    “Nope,” I answer. “I’ve had this for a year or so.”
    “Nice. What is it?” she asks as she sits and gets comfortable.
    “A Porsche,” I tell her.
    Other than my travelling, cars are the only luxury I allow myself. Yes, I’m wealthy. I just don’t flaunt it, and it’s one of the best decisions I ever made. My parents made their fortune in biotechnology when I was young, and when they acquired part

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