Mission: Compromised Submissive

Mission: Compromised Submissive by Willow Brooke Page A

Book: Mission: Compromised Submissive by Willow Brooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Brooke
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way home and back sitting at the table with Mrs. Sander ' s signature fried chicken by the end of the week. We good?” The team all answered in a ‘Hooah’, radiating pure energy.
    Maverick did another quick onceover of the map and plan. They were dropping three clicks from the west side of the compound and rucking in. “Vice, you are hanging back with the birds until we return. Those C av boys might be tough, but they need a real soldier to guard them. If by some chance word got out of the last ambush, the y will be waiting for us.”
    “What! Bullshit! I’m not s t aying behind to babysit! You can’t possibly think it is in the best interest of the team to leave behind the fucking sniper for shit ' s sake!” Her temper flared. She had half expected them to try to pull this shit last minute, and she was prepared. There was no way in hell she was going to sit back like a wounded girlie girl and not do her damn job. Fuck that and anyone who thought she should.
    “Vice, you aren’t healed. You still have cracked ribs for fuck ' s sake, so settle the hell down before I give you a shot o f morphine to knock your ass out !” Juju fired back. Everyone turned and looked at her. Until now, no one knew of the broken bones, just the bumps and scrapes. Shit. Well, they did now. Her eyes met each of the team, all getting the same shocked and disapproving look. Of course, Kodiak had to be the one to speak up first. Damn him and his motherly instincts.
    “You have broken bones? What else is wrong that you failed to tell us? First it was a few minor cuts and bruises. Now ribs. What’s next, your leg? Arm maybe?” His condescending tone only added to her fury.
    “Aw fuck , Kodiak! This is exactly why I didn’t say anything. No. Nothing else besides what you already know. They are ribs, not my damn femur or skull. Ribs are like toes or fingers. You can’t cast the bitches. They just have to heal. You all are acting like I have my damn legs cut off or something. I am combat ready… Ain’t nothing water and M otrin can’t fix. Army motto… Drink water, t ake Motrin, and march on , soldier. So, let’s march the fuck on and do what we came to do!” Mac had stood, flattening his ears at her excited state. He watched them all closely, ready to defend if given the command. The poor mutt looked confused. He had loyalties with them all, but if push came to shove, there was no doubt he would keep Vice safe.
    Before anyone else could argue with her, Dom took control of the situati on. “Enough. If she says she’ s ready, she is. Get this shit to the pick up spot.” Just as she thought she was off the hook, his voice lowered and his gaze intensified. “Vice, a word please.” Oh hell. This wasn’t going to be good. The team was still clueless to their extracurricular activities, which needed to stay that way. It was bad enough they were fraternizing , but with their group, it was more. They were all family. There was a good chance some of them might feel awkward or betrayed , and that couldn’t happen. They were a team.
    Vice walked back into the tent behind him, channeling all of her courage and wit. Hulk had insisted Mac go with him, pouting at the way the dog had traded him for Vice so easily. On one hand, he was glad he was a protector, but on the other, it made him a bit jealous.
    She could handle anyone who came along, and never felt this way. So, what has changed? Ugh. Who am I kidding. I know good damn well what changed. He waited and shut the door behind her, stepping up within inches from wh ere she stood. Vice had to cra n e he r neck to look him in the eye, but she managed to still do so and keep her shoulders squared and her posture strong. Showing weakness now wouldn’t be in her best interest. He may be the boss in the bedroom…when she lets him, but in life, she ran the show. If he thought for a minute she was gonna turn into a damn weak scared little puppy, he had another thing coming. Before he had a chance

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