Mission: Compromised Submissive

Mission: Compromised Submissive by Willow Brooke

Book: Mission: Compromised Submissive by Willow Brooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Brooke
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here to repay the favor , ” Michael growled.
    “What? That fag? Well, now, see? We did you a favor. Seems to me, you owe us , ” t he first blonde cocky bastard said. Michael punched him square in the nose, gaining a small shred of satisfaction when he heard the bone crack. Just for good measure, he repeated to the exact same spot, knocking it sideways on his face. The next few hits evened up his face, rearranging each item to match. “Oh, I owe you more than you know you son of a bitch. Think of today as your first payment.”
    “You like torturing people? You like drugging them helpless and raping them? Guess what? It’s your turn! And, if you say the word fag one more time, you will be eating through a straw for the rest of your worthless life!” Nathan roared. Earl had to pull him and Dave off the other two. Just like Michael, they took it personally. They were open about their sexuality, and accepted for who they were in the close -k nit town Justice provided. They hadn’t met Vince yet, but the mere idea that anyone was done so cruelly sent both men over the edge. Even Earl joined in the party, claiming they were ‘resisting arrest’ and would be brought up on enough charges they would get an up close and personal look at how it felt to be ass raped. Since Earl’s father was the judge, they would no doubt be going to prison for a very, very, long time. It was almost unjust how easy kicking their ass into the br ink of unconsciousness was. Fo rty - five minutes later, Earl brought the cruiser up and tossed their bloody, battered bodies in the back and hauled them in. Michael thanked them all, and headed back to the house. Justice was served.

Chapter S even
    The team geared up for yet another mission. The computer hard drives and files they had confiscated at the compound Vice had been held at had opened up enough evidence that they were closing in fast on finishing and becoming the hero e s the United States needed. Since the beginning this f our month stint of no communication home had been hell, but worth it. They couldn’t risk compromising their location or losing their data.
    This time, they knew exactly where and what to get to draw the final pieces together to the puzzle, and could head back to the S tates to put it all together. The operation here was only a small part of a bigger picture. These minions were nothing more than the blue collar workers for the suits. There were two main warehouses they operated from. One was in Jalalabad, the other south of Khost. From the looks of things, all of the offshore account numbers were neatly folded into a perfect little file on one of the hard drives — which happened to belong to none other than the good ol’ Florida Governor Herman Vancover himself. The deeper they had dug, the more in formation was found. Their original suspicions had been correct. Governor Ted Dante of California, New York Governor Beau Tallon, Senator Nelson, and Vice Pr esident Kovack were all involved. Now they had the evidence to prove it. What they hadn’t expected was for them to be conspiring on home soil. There were lists of names ranging from members of the CIA to the FBI and Homeland security. Their warlord crimes were being operated right on American soil, and no one was the wiser. These mother fuckers were going down, and hard.
    All were grouped around in a final briefing before they took off. A chopper was head ed to pick them up and drop them at their location. Pop was leading the rundown, and giving the locker room pump up speech. “We are close, troops. Just like all of th e other missions, this is a raid . Go in, grab Intel, search for and capture the leaders, and get out. Today, we have our own c avalry backing us up. The dirty work gets handed down. These soldiers, just like us, don’t take shit and don’t work by regular rules. They fuck shit up. So, I say let ' s let them. If we can get to the second compoun d by tomorrow and finish this , we can be on our

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