Meant To Be

Meant To Be by Karen Stivali

Book: Meant To Be by Karen Stivali Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Stivali
Tags: General Fiction
“How did you wind up as a cover model anyway?”
    “Slow news week,” he said, remembering how flabbergasted he’d been when it happened.
    “Seriously.” Marienne’s head tilted to the side as she studied the image. “Hey, isn’t that the front desk at Tisch School of the Arts?”
    “It is. I was working as the evening desk clerk to earn spending money. One night I was reading this never-ending novel for Russian Lit, and a bunch of people swarmed into the building. I asked someone what the crowd was for and was told some photographer I’d never heard of was doing a guest lecture. Twenty minutes later a woman and man swept into the lobby wearing tiny rectangular eyeglasses and long, brightly colored scarves.”
    “Trademark photographer garb.”
    “Apparently. The woman stopped at the desk and muttered her name. Then she said, ‘I must photograph you.’ And she started clicking away on her camera.”
    Marienne’s eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and fascination, almost making him lose his train of thought.
    “I asked if she wanted me to do anything and her assistant said ‘no, just keep reading’, so I did. It was dreadfully awkward. They made me sign a release in case they wanted to print the photos, but I couldn’t imagine that happening. Then three weeks later they called and said the pictures were to be used as a cover story and insert in The Village Voice .”
    “Wow.” Marienne’s eyes widened, then she returned her gaze to the clipping. “I can see why. They’re beautiful.”
    Daniel flushed again. “I hate them.” He cringed just thinking about it.
    “Why?” She set the papers down and looked up at him.
    He raked his hand through his hair. “Well, for one, I look completely bewildered. Which I was.”
    “Not bewildered. Innocent.”
    He raised his eyebrow, and she giggled.
    “Second, I hated the attention. I felt like I was being stared at by every person I met. It didn’t help that the bloody Voice stays on newsstands the entire week. It was like overnight I became this bizarre minor celebrity.” He picked up the second photo and shook his head. He still saw the same person he’d always seen. The same slightly crooked nose, the same somewhat lopsided eyes, and the same frightened emptiness behind them. How could anyone find this attractive? He could hardly find himself bearable at times. “My roommates thought it was the best thing ever. They found it hilarious plus they were delighted because all of a sudden there were all these women at our door.”
    “I’ll bet.” Marienne remembered how her own roommates had fawned over the images. Not to mention what Justine had said about the cover inspiring her to seek Daniel out and meet him.
    “Just when I thought I couldn’t stand it anymore, I met Justine. She was oblivious to the whole thing and it was such a welcome relief, after the weeks of sudden popularity, to feel normal again.”
    Marienne winced. How could she have never told him? “Justine never mentioned the photos?” Surely she must have said something.
    “No.” He shook his head. “Though they did come up a year later. She arranged for me to have a photo shoot with a modeling agency, some client of her father’s. I was so pissed off, I told her I didn’t want to do it, but she insisted I had to because she didn’t want to back out on a promise to her dad, so I did it. It was awful. Almost broke us up.”
    “You hated it that much?”
    “Yes, plus when I got paid, I donated the money to a cancer research charity, and Justine was furious. We had a huge argument, and I told her I didn’t think we were compatible, but then she apologized and we worked things out.”
    Marienne wondered if Justine had been sincere in her apology or if she’d just manipulated him again. She bristled at the thought of Justine lying to Daniel. He deserved better than that.
    Daniel reached over and turned Marienne’s wrist to look at her watch. “It’s late. I’d best

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