Lyfe Changing

Lyfe Changing by Desirae Williams Page B

Book: Lyfe Changing by Desirae Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desirae Williams
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Crime, Relationships
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    As I sent everybody off to
their destination, I took my crew to the hardware store. We made
our way inside and were greeted by an older white man with a floral
shirt and John Deer hat. “Hello there sir, how may I help you?” I
nodded at him and looked around. “Yeah, I need some good quality
tools to help me and my friends out.” I said slapping some money
down on the counter.
    The store owner dang near
jumped for joy when he saw the hundred dollar bills and snatched
them right up. “Oh yes sir, let’s see what I can do for you…” He
scurried off to the back while some of the boys browsed around.
Little Luther managed to stay close to me; he had been talking my
ear ever since I walked in to the church yard.
    “ So how much money did you
rack up before the feds gotcha?” He asked nonchalantly about my
personal business. I looked down at the small framed brown skinned
boy and shook my head. He was no older than fourteen, not much
older than Danton, but from what I heard he couldn’t stay out of
trouble. “Why you all in my business young in?” I asked him,
slightly punching him in the chest. He fell back a bit, even from
the soft punch I gave him. “I want to know where a smooth criminal
like yourself went wrong so I won’t get caught.” He laughed. Kids these days, I
thought. “Look little boy the last thing you need to be worrying
about is not getting caught, you need to be worrying about school,
getting an education and since you asking me all this questions why
don’t I ask you one?” “Shoot.” Luther nodded. “When the last time
you little ass read a book?” “I read all the time…” He protested.
“The Source, Vibe, Playboy.” I couldn’t help the smile that spread
on my face laughing at this little joker. “I rest my case.” While
the cashier rounded up all our stuff, I felt a large hand touch my
shoulder. I jumped back to see De and Ray standing in front of
    “ Damn boy…what’s good?” De
asked. I looked at both of them like they were crazy.
    “ Well… you tell
    “ Nothing on this side? What
about you? How have you been?”
    “ Half dead.” I answered
sternly. Ray stepped back not understanding my anger but De nodded.
“Look I know what you thinking and I can explain…in private.” He
said glancing at little Luther and the other kids behind me. I
motioned for them to follow me to the back of the store while the
boys stayed up front. “So what’s up?” I asked looking for a reason
as to why these muthafuckas had been MIA for the past weeks. De and
Ray looked around for prying ears before speaking. “We heard about
the accident and we wanted to come see about you, we did but….” I
cut him off. “But you decided to be incog-negro for past month.”
“No Julio was getting suspicious…” De explained. “He knows all
about your accident…that it was on the same night he got jacked and
started putting two and two together.” Damn , I thought. I forgot all about that fool. I didn’t think to realize I may
have been all over the local news and shit. I shook my head. “Did he say anything?” “He didn’t have too…”
Ray jumped in. “He has been watching the news on your accident
consistently, he knows his security cams were shut down and knows
you had the codes to all of his shit…which you left
    Shit...Now this fool might
be coming after me, what a great predicament I done found myself
in . I smoothed my hair back and looked at
them. “Does he suspect you two?” They looked at each other then
looked away. “I know the thought has ran across his mind but he
aint said nothing yet…that’s why we have been laying low for a
while.” De revealed. I nodded. “It’s cool I understand.” I said
giving them pounds. Ray leaned in near me. “Look I don’t know what
this fool planning but I need you to keep your eyes open.” Ray said
looking at me dead ass serious. “Also I heard the feds gotcha?” I
nodded. “Yeah they

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