Lovers Premiere (Kimani Romance)
roamed to her slender hips and then peeled her delicate panties off. With the morning sun now peeking through the windows, he liked the way the golden rays highlighted the V of brown curls between her legs. It was like her own private halo.
    â€œSo beautiful,” he whispered again while parting her legs. Her glistening pink bud peeked through her brown lips. Ram sucked in a breath as he reached down and spread her open for a better look.
    With a groan, he dropped his head and lapped his tongue gently against her feminine pearl. Instantly her knees rose up while she sank deeper into the bed.
    â€œOh, Ram,” she sighed.
    His heart took flight at the sound of his name falling from her lips. Ram’s light laps became a quick and steady drumming. The sweetest honey he’d ever tasted dripped and then poured out of her body until it completely coated his tongue. And still it was not enough.
    He settled further down the bed until his abs laid flat against the mattress and her legs were hooked over his shoulders. He looked like he was just settling in for a good meal.
    However, Sofia’s long legs wouldn’t stay still. They kept fluttering on the side of his head like a big butterfly. Then an unmistakable pressure started to build in herlower belly and her manicured toes started to curl. Her eyes sprang wide open as if suddenly realizing that it was all too much. No way could she handle what was coming.
    â€œRam. Ram, baby.” She started inching up the bed.
    He knew what was happening, but he showed no remorse. Grabbing hold of her hips, he locked her in place and then transformed his drumming tongue into a whirling tornado.
    â€œOhh, ohh, yes.” Sofia reached out and grabbed hold of the sheets as if somehow they would anchor her down.
    â€œOh, yes! Oh, yes!”
    It went from a tornado to a hurricane in two seconds. The cry that ripped from her throat was undoubtedly heard in the suites surrounding them, but neither one of them cared. After the explosion, Sofia’s body continued to tremble with aftershocks.
    Ram sapped up the rest of her honey and unlocked her legs that had clamped around his head and then climbed his way back up her body.
    â€œOh God. I’ve never felt anything like that before,” she panted.
    The compliment inflated his ego. “I’ve just gotten started,” he promised.
    â€œNo,” she said, shaking her head. When he frowned, she added, “I want to do something for you first.” She shoved at his shoulder and rolled him over onto his back. Smiling and giggling, she took the top position.
    Ram stared up into her beautiful face and still had a hard time believing that any of this was real. Twentyfours hours ago, he’d just barely gotten her to agree to a truce and now she was his wife and in a few minutes she would completely belong to him.
    â€œYou’re not the only one who knows a few tricks,” she told him.
    â€œIs that right?” He couldn’t help but grin.
    â€œUh-huh.” She leaned down and started raining small kisses across his chest. “Oh God. You smell incredible,” she moaned.
    â€œI’m glad that you approve.” He chuckled.
    Sofia’s mouth roamed lower. “Mmm-hmm. You taste good, too.”
    Slowly, she sank lower.
    Ram started evening out his breathing in anticipation of his new wife’s next move. But then the kisses grew lighter and softer and then he couldn’t feel them at all. He waited a moment and then opened his eyes. “Sofia?”
    He pushed himself up onto his elbows and looked down. Sofia’s head laid across his stomach, her arms relaxed against his side and her breathing slow and steady. Is she asleep?
    â€œSofia?” He reached down and shook her.
    â€œMmm,” Sofia moaned and poked her lips like she was giving him an air kiss. In the next second, she snored. Loudly.
    Ram dropped his head back down against the pillows and started

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