Duty from Ashes

Duty from Ashes by Sam Schal

Book: Duty from Ashes by Sam Schal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Schal
Tags: Science-Fiction
she called the room to attention. Instantly, all conversation halted and boots scraped against the floor as chairs were pushed back and those gathered got to their feet. At least those present showed no hesitation in following the master sergeant’s order.
    Ashlyn moved to stand at the head of the table and took the time to look each of her captains in the eye. “Where are Captains Hotchner and Rhydderch?” Her voice was cold and her eyes hard. Any doubts she’d had about the necessity of transferring the men out of the battalion disappeared as she waited for someone to answer her question.
    “Unknown, Major. They have yet to report in. Nor did they send word that they would be delayed,” Ortega reported from her place at Ash’s right.
    “Did you confirm receipt of the change in orders for Gamma and Delta Companies?”
    Of course she had. Why else were the XOs from those companies present?
    “I did, ma’am,” Ortega confirmed.
    “Call the roll, Master Sergeant.” If Hotchner and Rhydderch wanted to play games, she’d teach them that she would win every time – and she’d do it by following the rules.
    Ashlyn remained standing, her gaze moving from person to person as Adamson called the roll. Starting with Alpha Company, the name of each commanding officer was called. Then Adamson repeated the process with each of the executive officers. With only two exceptions, everyone answered. Ash nodded, grateful for small favors.
    “I want to make one thing perfectly clear,” she said as the room once more fell silent. “I expect each and every officer to act like a Devil Dog. That means obeying orders and never being insubordinate. I will not tolerate non-coms being thrown under the bus to save an officer’s career nor will I stand by and let officers or non-coms abuse the enlisted members of this battalion.
    “The Devil Dogs are the best of the Marines. So I expect the best from each of you. It was obvious this morning that two company commanders had a problem understanding that. They have now shown they do not deserve to call themselves Marines, much less Devil Dogs. I will not allow insubordination such as they have shown to go unpunished.
    “”Lt. Taffer, where is Captain Hotchner?”
    From where he stood four places down the table, Taffer swallowed hard. But that was the only indication he gave that he might want to be anywhere but there.
    “Begging the Major’s pardon, but I don’t know.”
    Ash forced herself not to clinch her fists at her side as her anger once again flared. “When did you last see or speak with him, lieutenant?”
    “Shortly after we received the change in orders for this afternoon, ma’am.”
    “That’s it, Major. He instructed me to make sure the company knew of the change in orders and told me to be sure to be here. Then I was dismissed.”
    “Same question, Lt. Rossi.”
    Unlike Taffer, the petite Rossi stepped up to the table and looked Ash square in the eye. As she did, Ashlyn had a feeling the redhead had grown tired of covering for her captain.
    “I received basically the same orders, Major.”
    For a moment, Ash didn’t say anything. Then she nodded once, her mind made up. She was about to make an example of the missing captains, one they wouldn’t soon forget.
    “Master Guns.” She looked to where Talbot stood near the door. “Step outside and contact the MPs. Captains Hotchner and Rhydderch are to be located and brought immediately to my office. If we are still in the briefing, they are to be held there until I’m done.”
    “Yes, ma’am.” He executed a perfect about face and left the room.
    “Lt. Taffer, Lt. Rossi, you are in temporary command of Gamma and Delta Companies until new COs have been found. You will meet with Captain Ortega after the briefing and you will detail for her everything you can about the behavior of your former COs. You will answer each of her questions fully and without hesitation if you wish to remain with the

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