Like This And Like That

Like This And Like That by Nia Stephens

Book: Like This And Like That by Nia Stephens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nia Stephens
doesn’t have to throw his tongue down your throat to have a good time. But what hot-blooded guy doesn’t at least try ?” She tossed the chocolate-smeared paper towel into the trash and waited for Gemma’s answer.
    Gemma stared at her friend in disbelief. “If only you could quote Lincoln that well. You’d have an A in History instead of a B minus.”
    â€œStop stalling,” Maria said bitterly. She was really unhappy about that B minus.
    â€œFine,” Gemma said. “While I admit it would have been nice to get a little action, maybe he’s just taking his time. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
    Gemma exhaled loudly in frustration, but before she could say a word Mrs. Sutton yelled from the front of the room. “Five more minutes!”
    â€œWhat is this, Iron Chef ?” Gemma grumbled. She stared at her pie plate. Her mousse was not whipping up in spite of her efforts, and she highly doubted it would within the next couple of minutes.
    â€œRelax, chica,” Maria said.
    â€œAbout the mousse or about Dan?” Gemma asked.
    â€œOkay, you only had that one coffee date,” Maria conceded. “ You may not have a problem with PDA, but the brother might. And maybe Dan really is the one and only straight guy that is truly interested in what shoes go with what cuff links.”
    â€œTime!” Mrs. Sutton called. “Put the pies in the refrigerator and I’ll grade them in time for the next class.”
    â€œEver hear of the term metrosexual?” Gemma hissed as she and Maria crossed to the refrigerator with their pies.
    Maria nodded. “Sure. And ever hear of being on the down low?”
    â€œPuh-lease,” Gemma said. “Besides, we’re going out again. I’m sure he’ll make a move then. And when he does, you’ll be the first person I call. Kind of like you did with me when Manny asked you to go seriously steady.” She slipped her pie to the back of the refrigerator, hoping some time in the cold would solve its wiggle issues.
    â€œYou will never let me live that down, will you?” Maria slipped her burnt pie in next to Gemma’s watery one.

Chapter 5
    Impressionism 101
    G emma sauntered into the art museum the next day full of confidence. She and Maria had decided on a simple, white cotton capris outfit with open-toe sandals.
    The museum was nearly empty so she had no problem finding the exhibit Dan wanted to see with her. She easily spotted him by the Picassos, and lingered a few moments in the archway studying him as he moved slowly, giving each painting his full attention, nodding with admiration. He gazed at the paintings the way she wished he would focus on her. Soon, she hoped.
    But then she frowned. He looked ten times better than she did. He wore neatly pressed pants, a jacket, and a matching shirt and tie. His dreads were in a ponytail held back with a rubber band.
    Did she have time to race home?
    Nope. That smile on his face told her he had already spotted her.
    She crossed to him, the heels of her strappy sandals clicking on the marble floor.
    â€œHey, there you are,” Dan said, giving her the once-over from head to neatly polished toes.
    â€œI can go home and change,” she blurted. “It’s not a problem.”
    She could put on the sundress she bought for her cousin’s wedding. Oh wait, that was at the cleaners. Maybe the blue and white chiffon dress would look much better in the sunlight, but no—she loaned that to Maria, who had never bothered to return it. Maybe Maria had something she could borrow!
    Dan laughed, interrupting her internal panic. “Why would you want to do that? You look beautiful.”
    â€œAre you sure?” Gemma wasn’t used to feeling so insecure about her looks.
    He nodded. “Of course. Look at how the buckle of your shoe matches your earrings perfectly. I bet you didn’t even notice

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