Lover in Pursuit

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Book: Lover in Pursuit by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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the return of the soft, bantering tone in his voice and knew a sense of relief. It was easier to
    deal with Trev when he was in this mood “Thanks,“ she muttered dryly, eyeing his profile as he stared
    through the lenses. The breeze off the ocean was playing lightly with the thick darkness of his hair,
    revealing and concealing some of the silver in it The line of his body held the easy strength and grace of a
    relaxed cat, she thought She wanted to reach out and touch him.
    And before she could stop herself, she had done exactly that Her fingertips touched his shoulder and she
    felt him tense.
    “I said no.“ He didn’t lower the glasses, but she could feel the coiled energy in him and she knew a
    curious sense of power at having been the cause of his instantaneous reaction.
    Almost immediately, a little shocked at her own action, Reyna withdrew her hand. But along with the
    inner astonishment came a wave of sheer feminine pique. Who was he to set the rules of this relationship?
    He’d had no compunction about taking her to bed last night, and here he was today coolly telling her they
    weren’t going to make love again.
    “Are you really afraid of me now, Trev?“ she taunted “Just because you didn’t get everything you
    wanted in bed last night?“
    “I’m an excellent strategist under most conditions,“ he told her without any arrogance. It was the truth.
    “Doesn’t it make sense that when I have a plan that backfires I’m going to be inclined to be a little more
    careful the next time?“
    “Perhaps a failure now and men is good for you,“ she provoked languidly. The desire to prod him was
    growing. Wets he genuinely determined not to wind up in bed with her again until he could be certain it
    would be on his terms?
    “Very character building.“
    She summoned her courage, trying to sound amused “You’re so sure of yourself. You think everything’s
    got to follow your plans or you’ll change the plans.“
    He hesitated. “Things become dangerous when they get out of control,“ he finally stated quietly.
    “Am I out of your control now, Trev? Is that why -you’re so tense?“ Holding her breath she reached out
    again and trailed her fingers lightly through his dark hair.
    “Perhaps,“ he allowed stiffly, still focusing on the horizon.
    Her fingers tightened for a moment in his hair and then relaxed. But the tension in her body began to
    grow. This was the man to whom she had once given her heart completely, no strings attached. She had
    recovered from the rejection and in the recuperating process her love for him had died. She was certain of
    it The physical attraction between them, though, seemed not to have diminished at all.
    Slowly Reyna withdrew her hand again, aware of the tightening of his body as she did so. He wanted
    her, there could be no doubt Trev, being Trev, however, wanted her on his own terms.
    “Why don’t you just relax, Trev?“ she whispered invitingly. “Do as we say in the islands and ‘hang
    loose.’ Here in Hawaii a person learns mat life is much easier if you don’t take it too seriously.“
    “Is that the lesson you’ve learned?“ he grated.
    “I’ve made it a point to adapt“ She half-smiled, still staring at his profile as he watched the sea through
    the field glasses.
    “You haven’t adapted to the point of sleeping with all your new, casual acquaintances,“ he reminded her
    “I’ve never been interested in a string of casual affairs,“ she acknowledged mildly. “Something that
    fundamental in a person’s makeup isn’t likely to change. But you’re hardly casual in bed.“
    “Damn you, Reyna!“ he hissed, setting down the glasses with a vicious gesture and turning his head to
    glare at her. The amber eyes burned with masculine fury and frustration.
    “You can’t stand it when things aren’t happening the way you want them to happen, can you?“ she
    drawled, excitement roaring through her veins as she sensed the intense

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