Lover in Pursuit

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Authors: Unknown
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situation. It was pleasant being able to deal with Trev from her own turf. At
    bird-watching he was very much the novice, and that gave her a nice advantage.
    “That’s not fair,“ he smiled reproachfully. “Look at me. Grass stains on my shirt and slacks, mud on my
    shoes…“ He set down his glasses and rolled onto his side, propping himself on one elbow. He took in the
    tousled, casual picture she made, and the comer of his mouth lifted.
    For an instant their gazes locked and the familiar sexual tension flowed between them. Reyna shifted
    uncomfortably under it and knew she was waiting for him to make the next move.
    “Don’t fret,“ she tried brightly, hoping to dispel the abruptly charged atmosphere. “A few grass stains
    won’t hurt, Trev.“
    “They do look rather good on you,“ he admitted. His eyes moved leisurely over her scuffed clothing.
    “You couldn’t wait to get out of that little business suit and back into your casual domes, could you? Six
    months ago casual clothing for you meant tailored designer pants, a silk blouse and a suede blazer.“
    “Prefer the old me?“ she taunted, unable to look away from his suddenly intent gaze.
    “I’m not going to fall into the trap of saying I prefer one side of you over the other,“ he drawled. “But I
    do find myself wondering which life-style will ultimately make you the happiest“
    She caught her breath. “It’s kind of you to worry about my happiness, Trev.“ Her voice was very even.
    “But I'm a little late in doing so?“ he concluded for her dryly.
    She tilted her chin. “Don’t worry about me. I really am very happy. I keep telling you, there’s no need
    for you to feel guilty!“
    “Guilt, greed and desire,“ he murmured contemplatively. “You’ve got all my motives analyzed, haven’t
    “I left a life-style behind, Trev, not my native intelligence!“
    “Don’t be afraid of me, Reyna,“ he pleaded wistfully.
    “I’m not!“ She felt herself tense under the admonition. But she wasn’t afraid of him. He no longer had
    the power to hurt her. Something feminine and primitive coursed down her spine. He was still the one man
    who could set fire to her blood, she admitted to herself. If he attempted to seduce her again as he had last
    night, she wouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight And why should she? Surely in this modem age she
    had a right to sample that rare excitement occasionally?
    “No,“ he growled in a low, grating whisper.
    “No, what?“ she breathed, aware of him with every inch of her body. She could feel the desire in Trev,
    saw it glowing golden in his gaze, sensed the force of it as a tangible bond reaching out to secure her.
    “No, I’m not going to make love to you,“ he stated, just as if he had been reading her mind Perhaps he
    had. After all, in this moment she could almost read his and mat reading told her he wanted her very badly.
    She felt the red stain on her cheeks and tore her gaze away from the mesmerizing amber one. Far out at
    sea a bird wheeled and plunged headfirst toward the waves, seeking its prey.
    “Why?“ she asked starkly, staring very hard at the diving bird. Unconsciously her fingers curled painfully
    around the bird-identification guide lying in front of her.
    “Because,“ he said very steadily, “even though you claim you’re not afraid of me, I’m discovering I’m a
    little afraid of you.“
    Her head snapped around as she turned to stare at him. “I don’t believe you.“
    “Then you’re giving me credit for a courage I don’t possess.“ He smiled almost tenderly. “Reyna, have I
    ever Bed to you?“
    Unwillingly, she considered the issue, knowing the answer was no. Rather than give him the satisfaction
    of hearing her admit it, however, she responded only with a dismissing shrug.
    “Forget it,“ he groaned, turning back onto his stomach and lifting his glasses. “But rest assured you’re
    quite safe from my… er… baser instincts.“
    She heard

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