Love Discovered in New York (The Washington Triplets)

Love Discovered in New York (The Washington Triplets) by Danielle Allen

Book: Love Discovered in New York (The Washington Triplets) by Danielle Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Allen
Tags: Love Discovered in New York
the pounding of his heart in his chest only intensified the moment for me. His fingers moved in and out of me as his mouth moved over mine. My arousal grew to the point of no return as we kissed with reckless abandon.
    Right when I felt like I would freefall into another intense orgasm by the hands of Colton Davis, the sound of someone walking down the hallway, talking loudly, jarred me from my peak. My eyes flew open in alarm and I looked over his shoulder. Not seeing anyone yet, I shifted my gaze to look into Colton’s eyes. As soon as I did, a mixture of butterflies and desire, love and lust, flooded my senses and I didn’t care who was coming down the hall. Pulling away from me slowly, Colton slid his finger out of me and discreetly zipped and buttoned my jeans.
    “What are you two doing here?” the middle-aged man boomed as soon as he saw us. “This is the staff restroom!”
    Giving me a sexy smirk, Colton turned to face the man. “My girl felt hot so I needed to take care of her. I didn’t want to do it in front of everyone so we ducked over here for a minute.”
    Looking at the ground, I stifled a giggle as I listened to Colton’s double entendre.
    “We’re about to head out so I can get her in bed. Thanks for checking on us, man,” Colton continued as he ushered us down the hallway and toward the exit.
    “No problem,” the man replied. “You two take care. Feel better!”
    Once we were outside, we laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.
    “Did you really tell that man that you needed to get me in bed?!” I squealed hysterically between bouts of laughter. “You are ridiculous!”
    Chuckling, Colton draped his arm around me as we walked down the street. “I didn’t want to lie to the man.”
    I rolled my eyes and swatted him playfully. “I don’t know why I agreed to hang out with you.”
    “Oh you know why,” he replied suggestively. His voice dropped an octave when he leaned down, whispering against the shell of my ear. “And in case you forgot, I’m about to give you a couple of reasons.”
    “Oh God…” I groaned with a shake of my head. “How am I supposed to walk when you are touching me and whispering things like that in my ear? You are wrong, you know that?”
    He met my gaze and feigned innocence. “What do you mean? I was about to say that you agreed to hang out with me because I make you feel safe and I would protect you in a zombie apocalypse.”
    “Here we go again with the zombie apocalypse!” I joked.
    “But seriously,” he started, kissing the top of my head affectionately. “You are safe with me. Just so you know.”
    His voice wasn’t playful or flirtatious; it was serious. And when I looked up at him, I saw something genuine in his eyes and my heart skipped a beat. The air became thick with something unspoken. Inexplicable feelings bubbled up inside of me and I sighed. I didn’t know what to say in response so I pulled my gaze away and changed the subject.
    “Roommates… yes or no?” I inquired.
    Colton made a face. “No. Hell no. You?”
    “I haven’t had a roommate since college and I won’t ever again. My sister Marisa and I were roommates and although we were fine, I hated her boyfriend, Nate. And I don’t use the word ‘hate’ lightly.”
    Giving him the rundown on Nate, I didn’t notice that we were walking in the direction of his apartment. Colton’s stories about his college roommate had me laughing so hard, I had tears in my eyes. The fifteen-minute walk flew by. Grabbing my hand, he led me through the gate of his apartment building and through the doors.
    Shit! I’ve been trying to avoid his place for a reason. I don’t want to stay. I want to have sex, but I don’t want to stay. And now that I’m here, I don’t want to leave and mess up a great night. I’ll just make sure I leave as soon as we’re done, I thought as he unlocked and opened his front door.
    “Do you want something to drink?” Colton asked as soon as we entered

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