Love and History

Love and History by Cheryl Dragon

Book: Love and History by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
Tags: BDSM Erotic Romance
she dusted. Play the game. She reached up high to get the poster. His hand connected to her ass again, and she smiled at him. “Am I doing it wrong, Sir?”
    He shook his head. “Get the nightstand.”
    Bending over fully, she dusted and felt her ass and cunt exposed in the short dress. Seconds later, his hands were on her rear, slapping and squeezing.
    “Sir, just tell me what you want. I want all my guests to be happy.”
    He opened the drawer of the stand and pulled out lube and the big black butt plug. She moaned and knew it’d be fun tonight.
    “Play with your cunt,” he said.
    She obeyed, rubbing gently since she was already wet. The cool lube made her shiver, but he didn’t stop. He teased her with the tip of the toy until she pushed back for more. Slowly, he worked it in and out, making her stretch then tighten up. The play wasn’t needed, but he was teasing her and she loved it.
    Once the plug was in, he kept her bent over and steered her to one of the posts at the foot of the bed. He wrapped nylon rope around her hands and gave her some slack before he tied the rope to the post. The rope was low enough so she had to stay bent over and on the bed. “You like cock?” he asked.
    “Yes, Sir.”
    “Call me, Master,” he corrected.
    She smiled. “Yes, Master.”
    “Good.” He pulled the clip from her hair and threw it across the room before sliding his cock deep in her pussy.
    Rocking back to him, she kept her legs together just as he’d posed her. Going without condoms, except for anal, turned her on more than she’d imagined. No barriers, no fear, and while nothing was one-hundred percent, their only debate was how many kids and when to start.
    When she felt his balls pressing to her, she gasped. The combination of the position, the toy, and his deep thrusts stretched and pinched her in new places. She rotated her hips to get the full sensation.
    “You like it?” He grabbed her breasts and pulled the dress down.
    “I love it, Master. Take me hard.”
    “Do you give this sort of service to everyone?” He pinched her nipples.
    “No, Master. Only the special guests. Please, make me come!” she moaned.
    He pulled out and pushed her onto the bed. The rope slid and turned with her, but she was very close to the wood. “You can come when I say.”
    She played the maid role. “I’ll come as much as you want me to. Let me suck you off first.”
    Unsure if he’d do it, she arched her ass up in the air and got comfortable on all fours on the bed. He stepped closer, and she sucked his cock as far as she could. His hand smacked her ass, and she groaned on his erection.
    “Don’t you choke!” He smacked her rear.
    When he tried to pull away, she pressed her teeth to him, and he stopped. The cherry incident had started it, but she’d been working on her gag issue, retraining her reflex with her toothbrush little by little. She took more of him than she ever had without a flinch.
    “Damn!” His hands fisted in her hair but didn’t pull her off.
    When he thrust into her mouth, her insides tightened. She wanted to please him in every way. He didn’t give her all of his length but most of it. Pulling out, he gave her time to breathe before he let her suck him down again. Then he backed off until just the top slid into her mouth hard and fast. Flicking the head with her tongue, she sucked the tip until she got what she wanted.
    He grunted and came on her tongue. “Swallow it all.”
    She sucked every drop out of him and rocked her body. His hand landed on her ass, and she moaned on his cock.
    “I think you need a paddle before you get more fucking.” He walked to his suitcase and produced a wooden paddle suitable for any frat hazing.
    Her juices flowed more at the sight of it. He hadn’t used a paddle on her yet. Having him and attaining tenure were special enough, but he was making her world non-stop fun.
    Relaxing, she took a deep breath.
    “What do you say if you want me to stop?” He ran the

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