Moonlight Warriors: A Tale of Two Hit Men

Moonlight Warriors: A Tale of Two Hit Men by Joseph Rogers

Book: Moonlight Warriors: A Tale of Two Hit Men by Joseph Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph Rogers
could be pure, simple greed,” Jenny added.  “The terrorists might be paying him for information.”
    “Right.  Besides, it is not unheard of for an FBI agent to go bad.  Back in the 1990s, there was an FBI agent who was selling top-secret information to the Russians.”
    “Okay, let’s contact David.”  Jenny took out her cell phone.  “I have his number in my list of contacts.”  She made the call, then waited for several seconds.  Just when she thought that she was going to have to leave a message on voice mail, he answered.
    “Hello, Lieutenant Halloran.”
    “Hello, Agent Hummel.  What’s new?”
    “Not much.  I’m troubled about that shooting earlier today.”
    “Actually my partner and I have been discussing the shooting, and we have some concerns that we’d like to discuss with you,” Jenny said.
    “Do you want me to bring Sam with me?” David asked.
    “No.  We’d like to speak with you alone.  In fact, it would be better if you didn’t even tell Sam that you are meeting with us.”
    “I understand.  Where would you like to meet?”
    “Charlie and I can come to your location.  Where are you?”
    “When you called, I was just pulling into the parking lot of a Steak and Shake on South Lindbergh Boulevard.  I was planning to go inside, but I can eat later.”
    “No, go ahead and get something to eat there.  I know exactly where that Steak and Shake is.  There’s a Walgreens next door.  Charlie and I are just a few miles from where you are.  We can be there in about ten minutes.”
    “Okay, I’ll see you then.”
    “Bye.”  Jenny hung up.  “He just arrived at the Steak and Shake on Lindbergh Boulevard near Tesson Ferry Road.”
    Charlie stood up.  “Good, let’s go.”
    “Curiouser and curiouser,” she said as they walked toward their car.  “That Alice was a smart young lady.  Life is filled with curious things.”
    “What?” Charlie looked at her.
    “I was quoting from Alice in Wonderland ,” Jenny said. “The complete sentence is ‘Curiouser and curiouser!’ cried Alice (she was so much surprised that, for the moment, she quite forgot how to speak good English).’ ”
    “We seem to be saying ‘what’ a lot lately,” Jenny remarked.
    “What are we saying a lot lately?”
    “What are we saying a lot lately?” Charlie repeated.
    “The word ‘what!’ ” she declared.
    “Who’s on first?” he said with a grin.
    “Charlie, you’re going to get it!”  Jenny realized that he had understood all along; he had merely been playing a variation of an old comedy routine.
    “Getting back to the subject at hand, you mentioned that you found something to be curious.  What was curious?”
    “David did not ask why we wanted to meet with him without Sam and not tell Sam about the meeting.”
    “David probably assumes that we are more comfortable discussing the shooting without Sam being present,” Charlie said as they got into his blue Chevy.
    “I suppose so.”  Jenny got into the car, and they drove away.
    About ten minutes later they pulled into the parking lot of the Steak and Shake restaurant.  
    When they entered the restaurant, they immediately spotted David, who was seated comfortably in a booth in the far corner.
    “I always like to sit with my back against the wall,” he told them jokingly as they slid into the booth with him.  “It makes it impossible for my enemies to sneak up behind me.”
    “This is your first visit to St. Louis,” Charlie said with a smile.  “You can’t have made too many enemies here.”
    “You might be surprised.”
    “Jenny and I have been cops for years.  We have a whole busload of enemies here.  We are the ones who need the corner seats.”
    “I have your back.  Don‘t worry.”
    A waitress approached their table and gave menus to Charlie and Jenny.
    “This lovely young lady is Ana,” David introduced her.  “She was also my waitress yesterday, and we had a nice

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