Love and History

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Book: Love and History by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
Tags: BDSM Erotic Romance
paddle back and forth over her ass cheeks.
    “‘Halt’ but I won’t need it.” Shebit her lip.
    “You will if you need to, right?” He gave her a light tap.
    “Yes, Master.”
    The paddle cut through the air as he swung back and forward. The force sent waves of pleasure through her. That tool got the job done and covered more space. He didn’t waste time, giving her three more good swats before tapping each cheek.
    Her pussy throbbed, and her ass ached as she pressed her face to the bedspread.
    “More?” he asked.
    “Please, Master,” she groaned.
    “No, I think you’ve had enough.”
    The ache wasn’t enough. “More, please,” she begged.
    He added one more firm swat and tossed the paddle near her elbow on the bed. “Let’s see how much you like it.” Three fingers slid into her pussy.
    Gasping, she pushed back. “I loved it, thank you!”
    His other hand spanked her gently one time and hard the next. Keeping her off balance was his thrill, and she benefitted from it every time.
    “Please, Master, fuck me.” She rotated her hips and squeezed the butt plug for some relief. Then she squeezed his fingers tight.
    “Damn, you’re a slutty little maid.” He tugged on her hair.
    She shivered and pulled back a little for more. More slaps on her ass, and finally, he filled her cunt. Spanking her always got him hard. His hands grabbed her shoulders, and he slammed to her over and over.
    Groaning, she let the pressure build and stared past the post to the door. Someone could complain about the noise or the slapping sounds, or some employee could come in to check. They weren’t home, locked up safe, with Scott’s elderly and mostly deaf neighbors who never noticed her screams and begging.
    His hips pistoned into her, and she gripped that plug, trying to hold out. The mix of role playing and her skimpy outfit and the trouble he’d gone to for her sent her over before she could help it. “Master, please!”
    Her cunt squeezed and pulsed as the heat spread, and she trembled, snapping her hips back on him. She was out of control. Her Master never stopped fucking her, though he smacked her ass. No doubt, she’d pay for it later.
    He grunted and ground to her, making her bounce as he pulled her back. The thought of him coming inside of her made her insides quiver.
    “Nasty little maid. Couldn’t wait, could you?” He leaned down and gripped her by the hair.
    “I’m so sorry, Master. It caught me off guard. I couldn’t stop it. The room, the paddle, and you…thank you. It’s so good.”
    “You came without permission; you will pay.” He kissed her. “Tied up to all four posts and spread eagle for me.”
    He was already planning, and the anticipation would drive her wild. “Thank you, Master. I’ll try to do better.”
    Untying her hands, he hugged her. “I love you, Bridget.”
    She turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you, too, Scott. Master. Sir. Whatever.”
    “Good.” He pushed her down on her back and spread her legs wide.
    “What are you doing? Tie me up!” she demanded.
    “Not for this. I’ll hold you down. We’ll see how many times I can make you come with my mouth.” He licked up her pussy.
    Groaning, she fell back in the pillows and submitted to the master she’d always wanted!

About the Author
    A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with sinfully hot erotic romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans...where anything can happen! Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day she analyzes numbers for a division of a large international conglomerate, which leaves the creative juices free for her erotic romance novels.
    Find Cheryl at .

Also available from
Resplendence Publishing
    Quality Assurance by Cheryl Dragon
    The most popular girl in school, Ashley Tassin wanted a life in the big city but fate brought her back to Lucky Springs, where the factory’s

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