Love, Always
me when I push my fingers inside her. Hard and just as eager, I lower my pants and thrust myself inside of her. She screams my name with each thrust, but I continue to plummet into her, needing my own release. I feel her nails dig into my back and enjoy it when she wraps her legs around my waist. I shudder once before I thrust myself into her responsibe body. She pulls me towards her, but I won’t kiss her or give her any false promises.

    It’s insane to see girls go batshit crazy over Adam, but apparently he’s a hot commodity. Even Hayley is developing a crush on him. I wish I could say he’s still plain ole’ Adam to me, but that would be denying the fact that Adam is a legend in his own right. He’s a damn rock star. He even dresses like one with black on black on black and lots of leather. His hair drapes wherever it wants and his face is left unshaven. He’s fucking hot. How the hell had I never realized that before? And once he gets on stage, I have to battle with my bra and panties to stay on.
    The first show I saw was incredible. While Adam and Ricky aren’t getting along off the stage, on it their chemistry is evident. The whole band works together in perfect synchrony, even the drummer. Adam’s voice is what resonates the most with me. When he sings, electricity flows through my veins until I’m sure I’ll implode. I’m pretty sure that’s how the majority of his female fan base feel as well.
    I want to touch him; I want his fingers on my skin. I want to feel his breath on me seconds before our lips touch. At night, when I’m lying in bed with Josie by my side, all this wanting leaves me breathless and achy. I can’t even blame it on Josh, because while I loved, no, love him, our attraction wasn’t anything like this. Not that Adam has actually given me any signs that he’s attracted to me or sees me as anything but a friend or Josie’s mom.
    It’s only been five days since I left the hospital, but it feels like five years. I don’t miss it or the nurses as much as I thought I would. I thought I’d be a wreck after meeting the new drummer for the first time, but he doesn’t resemble Josh in the least. He’s an island of weirdness all his own. Adam has stayed by my side, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand rhythmically so that my heart has no other choice but to beat steadily in my chest.
    Amber and him are keeping their relationship behind closed doors, and I’m grateful for that. Being attracted to Adam is foreign to me, and I don’t want that attraction to hurt what we have. He’s been so good to me. I guess he always was, but I never saw it. He was always Josh’s best friend and I was Josh’s girl. After Josh passed, I honestly thought Adam would eventually break his ties with me after he felt his commitment was done. And now, here I am, on tour with my baby girl and her dad who I’m falling for while he’s screwing the nanny. If this isn’t novel-worthy material I don’t know what is.  
    The band left Seattle earlier, but Hayley and I stayed back with Josie for a couple of days so we could go on a whale watching tour. It’s something I’ve never done before, and the followers on my blog insisted I had to try it. Who am I to deny them of a story and pictures of something I so badly want to do?
    There aren’t very many people on the boat with us, which is actually great, because Hayley has been running from bow to stern like a Jack Russell Terrier on speed. Aside from aquariums, neither one of us has ever seen a whale. It’s exciting to think we’ll actually see them outside of the man-made prisons, doing what comes natural to them instead of performing tricks like a well-trained pet. I’d probably be running along beside her if I wasn’t carrying Josie.
    The captain comes on over the speakers, letting us know that a pod has been spotted coming towards our boat. I feel my heart pulse all over my body as the captain puts the boat in neutral.
    “We’re gonna see

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