Lord Heartless

Lord Heartless by Tessa Berkley

Book: Lord Heartless by Tessa Berkley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tessa Berkley
    “No, milady, even though I wish I might have been.” She swallowed. “I was there to try and govern my father. Considered a child, I could only watch from above while the ladies danced below.”
    “Spring Hill.” The Dowager’s brow knitted tightly together. “That name sound familiar. Ah, I believe it was Lady Richards’ garden party.”
    “Yes, milady, it was. There was a terrible row between your son and Lord Scarborough over his wife when she was caught in a state of undress. It did not seem to matter that Lady Scarborough was the pursuer, or that your son did his best to ignore her advances.”
    The dowager sat back, her mouth slack at the memory. “Ah, yes.” They rode along in silence for a moment. “So, you do understand about the Ton.”
    “I understand that there are rules. That it is expected for women satisfy their husbands with heirs who should always be male, and when that is complete they may take leave and live their own lives as long as they do not bring dishonor to their husbands. Despite whatever dishonor their husbands bring to their wives’ table.” Juliet lifted her eyes to see the dowager nod.
    “And yet, you married my son knowing all this.”
    “I did. You must understand, Countess. I knew this about your son and yet I still agreed. I find one has no reason with what the heart wants. Furthermore, I had few options. I thought part of the bargain would be to produce an heir.” Juliet’s voice trailed off.
    “He did not tell you about Alexander?”
    “No. I am but a duty to my husband, for the privilege of his erasing my father’s bills. If I can help erase the black marks upon his person, then it is all for the better.”
    “Well now, I will say it would take more than marriage to rub out the blemish, but it is a start. Still, you must have moved Lord Heartless in some way for you actually managed to get him to the altar.”
    Juliet’s mouth grew slack at the mention of his moniker.
    “I read the papers.” The countess chuckled. “I know the horrid nickname the Ton have placed at Landon’s feet. In some sense, he does deserve it. The trick now will be to get the fool besotted.” She winked. “I think there is more to you than you let on, Lady Juliet. You have intrigued him.”
    Juliet opened her mouth to object but the dowager waved her away.
    “Have no fear. We will conspire to bring Lord Heartless under Cupid’s spell.”
    Landon stood at the table in his study, arms braced on either side of the table, his sleeves rolled to the elbows, immersed in his work. Obtaining Holly Grove had been a boon. The stables outside of London were not large enough to provide for a first-class racing stable, but the broad, sweeping meadows of Juliet’s home would be splendid. This morning, he had procured the old drawings of the stables he once dreamed of building. Now, spread out before him, he could see a glimmer of their construction.
    A knock disturbed his thoughts. Landon turned. “Yes?”
    “Pardon, milord,” Simmons spoke through the opened doorway.
    “Come in.” Landon motioned.
    “Mr. Black is here to see you, sir.”
    “Send him in.” Simmons disappeared and Landon blew out a deep breath, unrolling his sleeves, then refastening his cuffs, he stood ready to greet his guest.
    “How goes the married man?” Amos Black questioned, entering the doorway.
    “I have survived the first night of matrimony if that is what you are asking.” Landon smiled and stepped forward to shake his hand.
    “Only survived?”
    Landon gave his solicitor’s hand a squeeze and the man grew silent. “That will be all, Simmons.”
    “Of course, sir.”
    Releasing Amos’s hand, he motioned toward the other side of the room. “Come. Look at my new idea.”
    The men moved to where a pile of papers hid the surface of the table. Amos crossed his arms. “I hear you spent the night at The Gardens.”
    “Mere rumor,” Landon lied dismissing the statement.
    Amos motioned

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