50 Ways to Play

50 Ways to Play by Debra and Don Macleod

Book: 50 Ways to Play by Debra and Don Macleod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra and Don Macleod
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    eBook ISBN: 978-1-101-61020-6

    Sex is supposed to pack a punch. It’s supposed to take you off guard, make you hold your breath for what might come next, gasp with discovery, quicken your pulse and consume you, mind, body and soul. Sexual desire should make you say and do things that you would never normally say or do, and the severity of physical sensations should paralyze you. Sex should setyou on fire, so that an unrecognizable shade of yourself comes alive in the smolder.
    Take this pop quiz to see whether your sex life is as body-and-mind-blowing as it should or could be.
    Pop Quiz
    1. Are you physically aroused by the intensity of your partner’s desire for you?
    2. Do you find yourself fantasizing about unorthodox sex acts with your partner?
    3. Do youfeel physically and emotionally exhausted after sex?
    4. Is erotic desire a prevailing theme in your relationship?
    5. Do you occasionally feel (pleasant) pain or (exciting) fear during sex?
    6. Do you regularly lose yourself in erotic role-playing, restraint or rough sex?
    7. Do you imagine being “used” by your partner

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