Lingerie and Lariats (Rough & Ready#7)

Lingerie and Lariats (Rough & Ready#7) by Cheyenne McCray

Book: Lingerie and Lariats (Rough & Ready#7) by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
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crack of lighting illuminating the trees and outbuildings for seconds before everything went dark again. The air smelled fresh and clean as wind pressed her clothing against her body and her hair rose up off her shoulders. A gust of wind sent a mist of wetness onto the porch and she smiled at the feel of warm summer rain on her skin.
    As they watched the storm, he squeezed her hand and looked down at her. She met his gaze and smiled. They stood on the porch a while longer and she watched bolts of lightning slicing the sky as thunder rolled across the valley.
    After they stayed out for a while, they went back into the house, still holding hands.
    “How about some popcorn and something to drink to go along with the movie?” he asked as they walked inside.
    “Wonderful,” she said.
    They made buttery popcorn on the stovetop and took big bowls of it into the living room along with beer for him and a wine cooler for her. He had an enormous TV that looked to be fun to watch a movie on. They picked out an action flick—he had plenty of action movies, which she loved. The movie they selected was the first Bourne movie. She’d always had a thing for Matt Damon, but as far as she was concerned, he didn’t hold a candle next to Dan.
    She sighed as the thought went through her mind. She was utterly and totally infatuated with the man. Was that all it was? Infatuation? Or was it something more?
    They sat on the overstuffed love seat as they watched the movie, the lights off and his arm around her shoulders as she rested her head on his chest. It felt comfortable being with him. It felt right. The rain continued to pour down outside making her feel even more like snuggling against him.
    He made her feel so good. She didn’t feel like she had to watch what she said or did. She felt like she could be entirely herself with him.
    When the movie’s one love scene came on the screen, her cheeks felt warm as she felt a connection with Dan unlike anything she’d ever felt before, with any man. The kind of connection where she could imagine spending the rest of her life with him.
    The thought gave her pause. This was happening too fast, too soon. She needed to slow down, take a deep breath, and give it all some time.
    When the movie was over, neither of them was ready for sleep. Renee was afraid they’d end up tumbling into bed together and Dan seemed to have the same feeling because he suggested a second movie. That would probably keep them out of trouble.
    This time she rested her head in his lap as they watched an older comedy, “There’s Something About Mary,” which had her giggling a lot during the movie. She sat up to take a drink of her wine cooler and then they rearranged themselves on the couch so that he was resting on her. She liked the feeling of his weight on her. It was something she could get used to.
    She could get used to a lot of things about Dan.
    By the time the second movie ended, the day had caught up with her and she was exhausted. Once the lights were turned off downstairs and they’d picked up what mess they’d made, they headed up the stairs and then walked into the quilt room.
    Just because the movies were over, she didn’t want the night to end. She didn’t like the idea of being in the guest room alone, left to think about Jerry and everything that happened. It left her cold with a queer sensation in her belly. It was as if he might come into the house in the middle of the night and steal her away.
    “Dan…” She swallowed before she continued. “Will you stay with me? Not to have sex,” she hurried to add. “I don’t want to be alone and I’d just like you to hold me. Do you think that would be okay?”
    “You’ll be testing my willpower.” But he said it with a smile. “But I’d like that.”
    She wondered what in the world she was doing as she went into the bathroom and changed into a silky shortie nightgown that she’d bought for the trip but hadn’t worn yet. She loved lingerie but

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