A Stirring from Salem

A Stirring from Salem by Sheri Anderson

Book: A Stirring from Salem by Sheri Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheri Anderson
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animals have gotten to think of the Rovers as other creatures and recognize us by the silhouette. Standing up and waving your arms will just confuse them and they could attack. Truly.
    “We don’t want any fatalities, and not because we care about you. The animals will have tasted human blood and then have to be killed. Not cool. To us, they’re as important as you are. Now, any questions?”
    Scarlett’s hand shot up. “I have one,” she said with a sultry smile. “Where can we buy powdered rhino horn?”
    Everyone froze as if they’d heard a gunshot.
    “I’m sure I didn’t hear you,” Brendan finally said.
    “Powdered rhino horn,” Scarlett repeated. “Elle Macpherson said she took it, and she still looks amazing. Where can I buy it?”
    “It’s illegal,” Charley snapped at her. “It’s why rhino are being slaughtered for no good reason,” she added passionately. “Do you ever read the news?”
    Scarlett’s back went up. “I read USA Today . Sometimes. Do I have to put up with this twit, Vince?” Scarlett snapped as she scanned the room for the director.
    “I’m in charge at the moment, so yes, Scarlett, you do,” Charley said, not backing down. “Now if Brendan is done, everyone can get ready for the next setup. Brendan, are you done?”
    “I am now,” he said, smiling. “And welcome to Africa, everyone.”
    The group dispersed. Some of the crew gave Charley a wink or a thumbs-up as they headed out, impressed with her fearlessness. Scarlett, however, ignored Charley as she passed her.
    Charley took a deep breath. “I’m really sorry about her and for interrupting like that,” she said to Brendan.
    “You should have been a ranger,” Brendan said with a smile, his deep brown eyes sparkling. “You know how to tame the wild ones.”
    Would that include you? she thought to herself.
    “He’s right. You were great, Charley,” John said, suddenly beside her and pulling her out of her delicious thoughts.
    “Thanks,” was all she could say.
    Brendan looked from John and Marlena back to Charley. “Are these your parents?” he asked.
    Charley was thrown off guard. “Why would you think that?”
    “You look like you could be related,” he said warmly. “A compliment to you all, by the way, but sorry for that presumption.”
    “Thanks, and not a problem,” John said, taking Marlena’s hand.
    “We actually are—related,” Charley added. “It’s a bit—complex.”
    “Okay,” Brendan said, curious. But before they could go further, Brendan’s tracker appeared in the open doorway.
    “Mr. Brendan?” he signaled.
    “We need to get out there if we’re going to get back in time for dinner,” Brendan offered.
    “Maybe we’ll see you then,” John said to Charley.
    “Maybe,” she answered and glanced at Marlena. “Have a good time.”
    “I’ll be there tonight, too,” Brendan said as he smiled that smile at Charley.
    She caught his gaze, returned the smile, and felt a rush of electricity from her toes to her brain.
    Can he see my heart in my throat? She gulped.
    He turned to John and Marlena. “Get ready for a life-changing few hours,” he said as they headed out. “Another couple will be joining us. They’re here several times a year and always take the first game ride they can. They’re a great couple…”
    Charley didn’t move as she saw the three of them climb into the Range Rover where a well-heeled Asian couple waited. As the Rover headed into the lush vegetation, suddenly all Charley wanted was to be with the three of them, and that feeling startled her.
    Why do I feel my life suddenly changing?

Kayla was in a particularly good mood when she and Steve returned home from the clinic. Not only had they provided much needed care to more than eighty people that day and a baby had been born, but she’d also seen one of her closest friends from home.
    “Joe, Mommy and Daddy are home,” she called out as she and Steve entered.
    There was no answer.
    “Yo, Joe

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