Let Go
side of the cage. Jackson is there with a water bottle.
He squeezes Greylan’s shoulder before the whistle signals the next
round. Greylan approaches the man with a flurry of hitting and
kicking. The man tries to block the hits but a few get by. He is
favoring his side where Greylan came down on him in the previous
round. He grabs Greylan’s arm as he moves to bring it back to his
chest. But the man twists, forcing Greylan to his knees. He knows
if he lets it go his arm could break but he can’t tap out. It’s not
an option. He sinks to the mat further forcing the man to alter his
footing. Greylan sweeps his foot under the man causing his
opponent’s grip on his arm to release. Unfortunately the damage was
done. Greylan can feel a slight change in his forearm, probably a
tiny fracture. He shifts, moving on top of the man. He puts all of
his weight onto the man forcing him into the mat. A slight tap
vibrates through his back. He lifts off of the man and backs to his
side just as the whistle blows again.
whispers into his ear, “One more Pace, just one more.”
    He nods trying
to catch his breath and surges back into the center meeting the
other man just as the last round commences. This time the man
punches Greylan across his jaw. He steps backward with the force.
He wasn’t expecting it. Another punch surges forth hitting him in
the gut. He doubles over for a moment. The other man takes the
opportunity to kick him. Instead of connecting, Greylan grabs his
foot and pulls with all of the strength he has left. The man falls
onto his back. He tries to get back up but Greylan lands over him,
his hand punching his uninjured side. He doubles over as Greylan
launches a flourish of hits to his face and sides. The man’s hand
comes out to the mat and taps loudly. Greylan stops, his arm drops
to his side as he stands. The referee brings his arm up as he
announces Greylan as the winner.
    The warehouse
erupts in cheers and boos. He smiles as blood seeps down from his
nose onto his teeth. His first win and it feels just as grand as
his last. This time though, he vows to savor and enjoy each step of
the climb. As he leaves the cage he sees Carlo and Christina in the
crowd. Carlo raises his arm in a firm fist and smiles. He nods and
looks to Christina who seems as though she’s been through almost as
much as he has. He chuckles, she probably got into the fight just
watching it. Knowing her, she did. She smiles and mouths,

When he enters
the locker room, Greylan is faced with a flourish of de ja’ vu.
Trinity is sitting sullenly at the end of the bench exactly where
he left her. She looks up apprehensively to gauge his mood. When he
smiles at her she leaps up and into his arms knowing he won. He
squashes her nose forcing her to squirm away. Christina finds her
way back into the cramped room. She seems genuinely happy and
congratulates him again, giving him a quick hug.
    He notes how
similar yet so different it is from the last time he fought.
Meyer’s face runs through his thoughts. He looks around at the
faces that have been there always and the new ones he’s happy to
call his friends now. Tonight would have been perfect if his old
friend could have been here. Unfortunately they lost touch after
that first year he went away. He thinks about tracking him down
sometimes but always gets distracted with something else.
    A hand grasps
his shoulder, “Hey, where are you Grey?”
    He shakes the
memory and looks down to Trinity, “Sorry, just remembering the last
time this happened.”
    She smiles and
tells him, “Tonight though, you are going home, straight to bed,
    He nods and
ruffles her head. Carlo asks, “Hey, where’s Jimmy?”
    Greylan looks
down and starts to remove his gloves. He shakes his head, “You know
Jimmy, he said he doesn’t want anything to do with me until I’m on
the up.”
    Jackson chimes
in, “What’s that asshole afraid of? He already has a

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