Let Go
get out of bed and get your shit
glares at her and to Greylan. He holds his hands up in surrender
and states, “I know when it’s my cue to leave. I have to get over
to Jackson’s anyway. See you girls tonight.”
    He tries to
slip by Juno but she grabs his arm. She looks back to Christina and
tells her, “Don’t you chase him away. We’re lucky to have found
him. He’s a hard worker and doesn’t give me shit like some
    She releases
his arm and he scurries off before he has a chance to hear
Christina’s response. The last thing he needs is a lecture from
    He drives to
the gym, finally feeling, that his life has taken a turn in the
right direction.
    As he enters,
an onslaught of clapping commences throughout the room. He looks to
Jackson who is overseeing a couple of fighters going at it. He
shakes his head and announces loud enough for them all to hear,
“Better quit that crap or it’ll go to his head and he’ll think his
shit don’t stink.”
    Greylan smiles
and walks to the locker room to change. A few people mutter
congratulations as he passes through. It feels great to be on his
way back.
    He spends the
day getting hammered by every possible muscle inducing ache that
Jackson can think up. After the fight last night he had an x-ray of
his arm and found it wasn’t a fracture, just a rough sprain.
Jackson doesn’t seem to care in his pursuit of killing Greylan.
    He makes it
back to his rental, just as three o’clock hits; to collapse once
again onto the grungy bed he calls his own at the moment. Just
before his eyes close he makes a promise to himself to find a new
place tomorrow.
    Hours later he
finds himself entering Juno’s through the back door. As he makes
his way into the hallway he hears arguing, the same as this
morning. He muses, those two are so much alike they fight like
crazy. What could they possibly be arguing about still?
    As he nears
the office he hears his name.
doesn’t deserve that Christina. You need to tell him.”
voice sounds exasperated like they’ve been going at it all day,
“Juno, I’ve already decided, I’m not telling him. He wouldn’t care
anyway. We are just friends so there’s no reason for me to tell
    Juno snaps,
“It didn’t look like just friends this morning when he answered the
door half naked.” A pause, then her tone changes to amusement, “Oh,
I get it, is that the new thing you kids are doing now, friends
with benefits ? Don’t say I didn’t warn you, someone is gonna
get hurt. Keeping things from each other, friends or not, is bad
    Greylan hears
a shift and movement. Quickly he ducks back into the darkened hall.
Christina comes out the door but turns to look back in. She states,
“I’ll tell him, just not yet.”
    She leaves
before Juno can respond and walks down the hall toward the bar. He
frowns at what the argument is about. What does she not want to
tell him? But he trusts her. Hell it’s probably something I don’t
want to know he assures himself. It’s all he can do. She doesn’t
owe him anything. They are friends and at this point that’s all he
can give her.
    He waits a few
more minutes and opens the outer door again as if he just came in.
He walks to the office and leans in a greeting to Juno, “Hi Juno.
How are you?”
    She rolls her
eyes, looks to her computer screen but turns back around and tells
him, “Next time put some clothes on, why don’t you?”
    He smiles,
“Will do. See you later.”
    When he enters
the bar area he can tell Christina is uncomfortable. She looks up
and smiles but it’s forced. He decides to give her the night before
she breaks. Inwardly he laughs and muses, this should be fun.
    As soon as the
coolers are stocked Greylan helps her out with the bottles. They
replace empty ones and wipe down others. She speaks in a curious
tone, “Grey, why don’t you like Parker?”
    He frowns at
her choice of topic but answers, “It’s

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