Let Go
    Greylan nods
but the look across his face is full of guilt. Jackson’s voice is
forceful when he asks, “What, he didn’t, he didn’t tell you that it
was your fault, did he?”
    “Not in so
many words. I can see how it would have been hard for him after I
curses, “Shit, that guy is bad all the way through. I can’t believe
he told you that. He’s a piss ant Pace. After you left he rode your
coattails. It was good publicity for his business whether you went
away or not. You made it Pro, he used it to his advantage. He
caused his own downfall when he represented that shit fighter Jesus
Reyes. He was into some illegal crap and took Jimmy down with
    Carlo pipes
in, “In Jimmy’s defense, he’s not here tonight probably to keep
from tarnishing your reputation.”
    Greylan shakes
his head at typical Jimmy. He was always looking for the easiest
way to get ahead. Any shortcut and he would be the first one to
jump. He smiles knowing Carlo is right about his absence tonight.
Jesus Reyes, he knows that name for some reason. He looks to Carlo
and asks, “Jesus Reyes…”
    Carlo finishes
for him, “Yeah, Parker’s only loss.”
    He turns
absorbing that information and kisses his sister’s cheek. He turns
to Christina and kisses her cheek but she shifts moving her lips to
his instead. He pulls away and looks questioningly. She stands on
her toes and whispers into his ear, “If you need another good
night’s sleep, you know where you can get one.”
    A smile creeps
across his lips at that prospect. Jackson herds them all out. He
comes back just as Greylan is heading for the showers.
    “Pace, that
was a great performance but you’re gonna have to better convince
    Greylan smiles
and nods. He knows the guy almost had him a couple of times. He
can’t let that happen again.

    A muffled
pounding forces Greylan out of a deep sleep. He shifts recognizing
Christina’s bedroom and the smell that is uniquely her, jasmine and
freshly washed sheets. He looks over at her, she is so peaceful
breathing softly through her slightly parted lips. Instead of
waking her he climbs off the bed and pulls his jeans on. The
pounding continues. He looks back to Christina and how unaffected
she is by the noise. He smiles thinking this is more fuel to chide
her about later. He makes his way out into the living room and
realizes it’s coming from the front door. He unlocks the door and
pulls it wide to face a very annoyed Juno. She forces herself past
him and looks around, “Where’s Christina?”
    He looks to
the tiny hall leading to the master bedroom, “Still sleeping,
apparently she’s a sound sleeper.”
    She stares at
him trying to divert her eyes from his bare chest but failing
miserably. He shifts and asks with an amused smile, “Do you want me
to go and get her?”
    She looks away
and nods uncomfortably. He walks back to the bedroom and fits his
grey t-shirt over his head. He leans over Christina and whispers in
her ear, “Hey you, your aunt is here.”
    She rolls over
not bothering to open her eyes. Her hands come up his chest to his
shoulders and she pulls him closer. He chuckles at the lack of
force. Her eyes open at the sound and she asks, “What’s so
    “You’re a
weakling, that’s what. Did you hear me, your aunt is here and she
seems a little peeved.”
    She moans
rolling away from him, “What does she want Rookie?”
    “I’m not sure
Christina but I think she was at the door for a while.”
    She moves her
hand through her hair and sits up. Her blue t-shirt displaying
Nirvana across the front. Movement in the doorway causes them both
to look up as Juno walks into the room. She glances to Greylan and
back to Christina.
    “Christina I
have things to do today. You might be considerate and answer your
shakes her head still trying to wake up, “I didn’t hear you. What
time is it anyway?”
    Juno looks to
her watch, “It’s time you

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