Laid Bear 2: The Kodiak Clan

Laid Bear 2: The Kodiak Clan by Marina Maddix

Book: Laid Bear 2: The Kodiak Clan by Marina Maddix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marina Maddix
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be…careful…” she breathed with effort. The pink of her tongue edged between her lips, pulling her plump lower lip between her teeth, as if she was exerting some tremendous effort.
    Without a word, Jess stood, threw some money on the table and tugged her along with him out the diner’s door and down the alley that ran between it and the next building. The alley wasn’t particularly romantic, but it had one perfect quality: It was dark. Pushing her up against the wall, Jess held Veronica’s hands on either side of her head, entwining her fingers in his. Her breathing was shallow and her gaze never left his.
    “I’ve waited far too long for this,” he said, bending down to graze his lips against hers. Her luscious body pressed into his and her lips parted slightly, inviting him in for more. And he was going to accept that invitation.
    He traced his tongue across that oh-so-tempting lower lip then dipped his face into her neck, breathing in her scent. It was sweet and spicy at the same time, reminding him of pumpkin pie and hot cider. His hunger for her was insatiable, but he had to control himself.
    Shivers rippled through her body as his hands skated down her arms and up until his fingers were buried in her auburn waves. He had complete control of her head and he turned it slightly to expose her neck. Gently, his lips skimmed their way up to her ear, drawing a guttural groan from her when his hot breath struck home. He felt small fists clutching at his shoulders for support.
    “Oh, Jess,” she whispered.
    Before another sound could escape her lips, his mouth covered them. Their tongues darted and danced, tentatively tasting each other at first, but quickly their passion for each other grew to a point where they were absolutely devouring each other. His hands roamed her body, exploring each curve and plane, as if making sure she was really here in his arms. In fact, it hardly seemed real to him.
    When Veronica wrapped a leg around him and pressed her heat into him, instinct took over. Grabbing her sweet ass in each hand, he hoisted her up and back against the wall, pressing his need against her. With both her legs now strapped around his hips, it took every ounce of self-control to not tear those tight jeans right off her and take her against the grimy diner.  
    But as much as he longed to be inside of her, he didn’t want their first time to be like this, all frantic and dirty. As appealing as spontaneous sex against a restaurant wall was, Veronica deserved better. Hell, he deserved better. He wanted to take his time with her the first time they made love. Exploring, learning, loving — that’s what he wanted.  
    With tremendous effort and a groan that came from the depths of his soul, Jess pulled away and eased her feet to the ground. Panting and eyes glazed, she leaned back against the wall. He could swear he heard a low growl coming from her as she leveled her hot gaze on him. Her lips were kiss-swollen and the tips of her breasts were screaming out for him to take them in his mouth. In a word, she was irresistible and he couldn’t wait any longer to make her his own. Filthy alley or not, the time was now.  
    Leaning in to claim her lips again, Jess heard her sharp intake of breath in anticipation of what they both knew was about to happen. But instead of meeting his mouth with her own, she froze in his arms. He searched her wide, fearful eyes for some clue but he was completely confused. One second she was ready to jump him, the next she was a statue.
    “What is it?” he murmured, nuzzling her ear. “I have protection, if that’s what you’re worried about. I wasn’t assuming, but a guy can hope, right?”
    She ducked her face into the nook of his shoulder, but it was almost as if she was hiding rather than making out. He tried to pull back to look at her face but she held him tight to her.  
    Damn, she’s strong. The thought didn’t help cool his jets at all. If anything, it only turned him on

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