Lady Rogue
the best of her when she had been pretending to be a doxy.  Her eyes locked on his lips and in that moment she wished fervently that she could wipe away his frown.  Oh, how she wished he would kiss her.  Just the thought caused her throat to go dry. A breathlessness assailed her, a sense of expectation that was cruelly shattered by his contemptuous look. 
    "I'm telling yer the truth," she whispered breathlessly.  His body was heavy, his hold on her so tight it left her breathless. Her head was thrown back, her mouth wide open as she gasped for air. Her nails dug into his back.
    Garrick was infuriated with himsel f.  There was something sensual about the woman.  Their struggle was actually arousing him.  Damn it! That thought enraged him, and he took his anger out on her.  She was the cause of his peril.  "You and all your kind are all alike."  With that said, he pushed away, his fingers accidently brushing the tips of her breasts, leaving a tingling trail of fire as he did so.  Slowly he rose to his feet.
              Dawn flushed but looked unflinchingly into his  angry gaze.  "As you and yer kind are just the same.  Uncaring.  Unfeeling.  Walking about as if ye owned the world.  Passin’ judgement when ye don't know a wit. Looking down yer aristocratic noses at those ye think are dirt beneath yer feet!  Well, I'm a human being too!"  Squaring her shoulders she stuck her chin up.  "One oo's down on her luck through no fault o' ‘er own, but a person just the saime.  Did ye ever think there might not be my kind if blokes like yer kind showed at least a thimble's worth of empathy or kindness!  Selfishness is all ye know.  Feeding off o' our poverty  to benefit your hoighty toighty selves leeches!" 
    "That's quite enough."  He ought to strangle her, he thought.  He might have , if he was not such a gentleman.  Murdering women just wasn't in his nature. "Quite...!" 
    She bit her lip to keep from crying as she stood up.  Here she had risked Black John's punishment, had tried so diligently to protect his life , and all he could do was think the worst of her.  Black John !  Merry-go-up!   How could she have forgotten?  Foolish chit of a girl, there was something far more important at stake than her pride.  Think what he might of her she had to get this arrogant toff away from the docks quickly.
    "Go on!  Get yer arse outta here!" she railed , waving her hands in the air.
    "I beg your pardon.....!"  For a moment he wasn't certain he had understood her.
              "Ye heard what I said.  Git!"  She mumbled a string of angry oaths.  Obstinate, unappreciative bloke .  The devil take him.
    "Just like that...?"  Garrick didn't trust her. His left hand tightened compulsively on her shoulder.   "What's the game this time?"
    "No game!"  Pain throbbed in a wave from her chest to her throat as she fully realized the loathing he felt for her. There was no use in arguing.  The hard glint in his eye proved he would never believe her if she spent eternity pleading her innocence. "The others will return sooner than yer know.  And if ye are still here ye'll be be fare for the body sn atchers, ye will."
    Garrick eyed her warily.  Whether she was telling the truth or not there was no reason to stay.  "I'll consider your warning."  Bending down, he plucked up Ollie's drawings, groaning with dismay as he tried to straighten out the wrinkles.  He'd have a tough time explaining this one.   All he'd garnered from the night was a lump on his head and a headache.  So much for favors.
    She didn't have to warn him again.  The thud of Garrick's heels sounded his retreat.  He paused at the door only long enough to bend forward in a long, mocking bow.  "Good night and goodbye......!"  Then he vanished into the gloom of the night.
    "Aye, and good riddance!" Dawn spat the words, fighting tears of disappointment and humiliation.  Leaning against the

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