Lady Rogue

Lady Rogue by Kathryn Kramer Page A

Book: Lady Rogue by Kathryn Kramer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Kramer
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
wall she shuddered,  letting out her breath in a long, drawn out sigh, trying to quiet her pounding heart.               The touch of his hands had set her blood afire, a feeling she remembered even now.  It was a  truth that shamed her.  By his every expression he had shown his contempt for her, but though she wanted to feel hatred for him she could not.  The truth was she would have given anything in the world to see another look in his eyes. Perhaps she would one day.  Some day when she was a lady.  Someday.  It was a thought that gave her comfort as she spun on her heel and retraced her steps, running all the way back to the tavern.
    The  opening to the dimly lit labyrinth yawned behind Dawn as she climbed the last step and shut the trap door behind her. The noises of the tavern clamored in her ears as she stepped through the secret entranceway .  It was smoky in the taproom.  The coal stove belched noxious, clouds and she fought the urge to sneeze. From her place of concealment behind the wine barrels she  surveyed her surroundings from a safe distance. 
    The majority of the men-- louts, thieves and river rats--were already precariously close to being in their cups if they weren't already.  Ribald songs and obscene oaths fouled the air with words Dawn had heard a thousand times or more. But now the words stung her ears as she contrasted these men with the man she had just set free.  Like comparing gold to lumps of coal, Dawn thought with a long drawn out sigh.
    The sordidness of her surroundings, the humbleness of her existance were impossible to ignore, and though she tried to push the actuality from her mind with the usual toss of her dark curls, she saw herself through the gentleman's eyes.  Was it any wonder he had looked down his aristocratic nose at her? Oh, if only there was some way that she could escape this squalidness as easily as she'd freed him of his bonds.  Run away?  To what? London and its  mean streets were the only world she knew. Reality pushed  away any dreams Dawn might have had.  Besides, she couldn't leave Robbie.  He was the only family she had left. 
    Blinking back tears Dawn stepped  from her hiding place only to collide with the tall, ghoulisly thin  man Black John and her brother had hired  tonight.  His  long boney fingers dug into her shoulders as he regained his footing.  "Ah, 'tis you!  Yer brother 'as been l ooking for ye!"
    Dawn's heart skipped a beat , yet she maintained her composure.  "I was seeing to me person, I was."
    "Oh ye was....?"  His probing gaze seemed to strip her naked.  Thin lips pulled sideways into an ugly leer, reavealing several missing teeth.  Dawn tried to side-ste p him but he blocked her way.
    "If Robbie is looking for me I'd best let him find me." She couldn't hide her revulsion for this creature.
    "Don't be so haisty now.  I'd loike te get ter know ye better, if ye knows what I mean."  His fingers brushed at her arm suggestively, pinching and patting the soft flesh , but Dawn slapped his hands away.
    "Ye'll keep yer paws to yerself if ye knows wot's good...!"  Bracing herself, hands balled into fists and poised to strike, Dawn affected a stance to protect herself.  She'd never abide such an odious wretch as this molesting her.
    Piercingly dark eyes fixed on her in a cruel stare.  "Miss 'Igh and Mighty, ain't yer?  Well, I'll sees that yer is brought down from yer 'igh 'orse.  Just wait and see."  His tone of voice held warning , and Dawn knew she'd made a serious enemy.
    "Here ye are, Dawnie.  Where yer been?"  Robbie's voice had never been so welcome.  "Black John's been in a huff, certain ye'd run off."
    "Suffering this one's unwanted company , among other things, at's wot," Dawn responded, taking hold of Robbie's arm.  She couldn't repress a shudder.
    "E's been bothering you?" Folding his arms across his shoulders Robbie glared a warning.  "Stay awaiy from me sis!  Besides, ain't it 'bout time yer

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