Wyrd Calling (Wyrd Bound Book 1)

Wyrd Calling (Wyrd Bound Book 1) by Shen Hart

Book: Wyrd Calling (Wyrd Bound Book 1) by Shen Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shen Hart
"I've stayed in worse places. Chasing down the rare items means forgetting about luxuries and doing what you must. A price I happily paid."
    I hoped we weren't going to be spending much time in that part of the city. I was due some luxury. They owed it to me, or so I told myself. Fortunately, the area became greener and better kept reasonably quickly. The road was in better shape, and the scraggly grass and weeds were replaced with manicured grass verges and healthy green trees. The buildings were towering mixes of dark metal and clear glass. They clashed with the old stone churches that sat proudly in their midst. Alex turned off the main road down onto a smaller one that was lined with small boutiques, florists, and other mid- to high-end shops. It wasn't the best part of the city, but it was pleasant enough. At least they'd done that bit right. I held a little hope for a luxury hotel with my own room and a king-sized bed. It was unlikely, but it was nice to hold on to for a little bit, at least. We parked in front of a modern building with crisp white edges, clean silver lines, and large windows. The cars in the parking lot all looked to be quite expensive. That made my glimmer of hope grow, just a little.  
    I stood and stretched after the long drive and grabbed my bag before joining the boys. Alex stood close to me, towering over me in that protective manner he'd held so many times previously. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the door with the boys close behind before I realised I didn't know which name our rooms were under. Alex smirked at me and held the door for me before taking the lead again. He strode up to the front desk with its sleek modern design and smiled sweetly at the dark-haired woman sitting behind it. Her emerald-green eyes gave her away, not that she seemed all that worried about hiding it. I licked my lips and allowed my energies to flicker just enough that she glanced at me with that predatory smile. I loved fairies. They were my kind of people.  
    She looked back up at Alex, who said, "Marken. C. Marken and co."
    She nodded and looked up the information on the computer before sending us up to the fourth floor. The boys all seemed to be in good spirits. Nik and Ryan had smiles on their faces. There was a slight buzz running through the group, anticipation and the thrill of excitement. I tried to tap into that feeling rather than slipping into the melancholy work attitude I'd developed over the years with these tasks. The elevator opened and we went to our door. It appeared that we'd been placed in a serviced apartment. That's to say, an apartment with the benefits a hotel brings, the best of both worlds. Or so I hoped, right up until we stepped in. There were two bedrooms. Two.  
    I looked at the boys and settled on Alex. "Seriously...?"  
    He shrugged and mouthed, "sorry" before he went through the first bedroom door. He came out shortly after and looked in the second bedroom.  
    "Boys, you're in this room. There're three single beds."
    The boys filed into that bedroom and talked excitedly about the entire thing, I had to assume they felt this was something of an adventure. Alex gave me a weak smile and opened the door to our bedroom for me to inspect. It was worse than I'd hoped. A double bed sat in the middle of the room with wardrobes, chests of drawers, and a desk. I sighed and dropped my bag on top of the chest of drawers before glaring at the bed. I growled to myself and cursed the Wyrd Sisters in every language that came to mind.  
    Alex ran his hand down my arm. "It won't kill us. We’re sharing a bed, it’s hardly the end of the world. We’ve done it many times before."
    I sat on the bed and Alex shut the door before sitting next to me. The time had come to have that talk. I cursed the Sisters again, for good measure.  
    "Thalia, we're soulmates. We have a rocky past, but the bond remains in place. I'm not going to harm you, I'm your alpha. Please, stop treating me like an enemy

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