Lady Faith Takes a Leap

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Book: Lady Faith Takes a Leap by Maggi Andersen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggi Andersen
kippers look good.” Vaughn had heard their noisy lovemaking during the night, and although he was pleased that Chaloner had repaired the rift in his marriage, he felt a tad envious. Chaloner filled a plate with eggs and ham at the sideboard and set it before Lavinia. She patted his cheek.
    Sibella stared at the lovebirds in surprise, causing Vaughn to smother a laugh.
    As the butler poured coffee, Lavinia’s affectionate gaze remained on her husband as she discussed recovering the drawing room sofas. Since marrying into the family, she’d been a little aloof. She usually took her breakfast in her bedchamber. Vaughn was pleased to see her come out of her shell.
    After breakfast, Sibella grabbed Vaughn by the sleeve as he left the house to go the stables. “You said there was no news, and I find everyone acting peculiar. There’s mother and Lavinia, who is also like a different person. Have you all started drinking the spring waters? Does it have miracle properties?”
    Vaughn laughed. “Only Mother took the waters, but her change of demeanor can be laid at Lord Whitworth’s feet. You’ll meet him tonight. If you’ll kindly unhand me, I intend to find your husband.”
    “Just a moment,” Sibella said, grabbing him again. “I’ve been told you’ve been seeing a lot of Lady Rosamond Montrose.”
    “Who told you?”
    “A friend wrote me.”
    So the gossips had taken notice. The duplicity didn’t sit well with him, he’d discovered. Perhaps he wasn’t as unconventional as he thought. “I find Rosamond good company,” Vaughn said evasively, wishing Sibella hadn’t come to Brandreth Park just now. At least his mother was too distracted to notice the attention he was paying Rosamond.
    “Merely good company?” Sibella raised her dark brows. “I don’t believe you.”
    Vaughn peeled her fingers from his cuff. “There’s not a lot I can do about that. May I go now?”
    “Humbug. You are being deliberately annoying.” Sibella swiveled and stalked back to the house.
    Vaughn shook off his worry about the impulsive Lady Rosamond. He felt filled with human kindness of late, as if God had smiled on him and finally granted his wish. The only nagging worry he had was for Faith.Gossip was rife about Sefton’s sudden desertion of Tunbridge Wells, and Faith hadn’t appeared in society since the ball. He’d considered visiting her, but a morning call alone would be awkward. Fortunately, he’d heard nothing about Sefton’s proposal, so perhaps that wasn’t widely known.
    “Sibella?” he called as she was about to enter the house. “I wonder if you’d be interested in riding somewhere with me.”
    “Oh? Where?” Her frown vanished as her curiosity took over.
    “Were you to visit the Baxendales?”
    “I had planned to.”
    “We could ride over after luncheon if you’d like to.”
    “That’s a grand idea.”
    Pleased with his quick thinking, Vaughn continued to the stables. He looked forward to seeing John, a man he greatly respected. His brother-in-law had miraculously turned Vaughn’s life around when he’d placed his trust in him. Vaughn was now driven to live up to the faith John placed in him. He found the tall, blond-haired man deep in discussion about the condition of one of his carriage horses with the head groom. They were bent over a horse’s leg.
    “Is the damage permanent?” John asked.
    “No, my lord. A bit gourdy after the journey is all.I’ll have the horse restored to perfect fitness before you leave.”
    “Good man.”
    “Vaughn.” John turned to him and shook his hand. He looked more settled and at ease these days than when he was working for the Crown. Being a proud father would change a man, Vaughn imaged. “I’ve just been telling Chaloner how well equipped you are to take on your own business. Now, tell me all about this proposed stud farm.” John threw an arm around Vaughn’s shoulders, and they walked back to the house.
    “I shall need your advice, once it’s set

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