Lady Faith Takes a Leap

Lady Faith Takes a Leap by Maggi Andersen

Book: Lady Faith Takes a Leap by Maggi Andersen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggi Andersen
liquid into a crystal tumbler. “A dashed annoying busybody at the ball whispered in Lavinia’s ear about a lady I was seen with in London.”
    Vaughn dropped his cue on the table and turned to gaze at his brother in amazement. “You have a mistress?”
    “I do not. It was a momentary lapse. Unfortunately, I was spotted by that inveterate gossip, Lady Stewart.” He shook his head. “It’s going to take a long time for Lavinia to forgive me. If ever,” he added gloomily.
    “Not worth it then,” Vaughn said, hiding his astonishment at his brother’s behavior.
    “It most certainly wasn’t. A dreadful mistake,” Chaloner said heavily. “I feared I was missing out on life, living my somewhat dull and safe existence. Lavinia and I were young when we married, and I never sowed my wild oats. Not like you, Vaughn.” He flashed a condemning look Vaughn’s way, which faded as he shook his head. “I now know why such a life never appealed to me. It just isn’t what I want. I’m an idiot.”
    “You’re human, Chaloner,” Vaughn said, feeling they were now on a more even footing. “We all make mistakes.”
    “It seems we do.”
    “If I were you, I’d go up to Lavinia and confess all you’ve just told me. I think she’ll forgive you,” Vaughn said. “Making up will be far better than getting drunk. You never enjoyed drinking to excess either.”
    Chaloner brightened. “Perhaps you’re right.” He put down his glass and headed for the door.
    “Good night,” Vaughn called, turning to hide his grin.
    Chaloner paused, his hand on the doorknob. “By the way, Vaughn, I had a letter from John today. They are coming to stay. He also mentioned what an asset you were to him. If he can place his trust in you, then so can I. I’ve been remiss. Your inheritance is yours anytime you want it.”
    He closed the door after him, missing Vaughn’s leap of joy.
    Vaughn wanted to tell someone. Dash it; he especially wanted to tell Faith.

Chapter Eleven
    Vaughn’s sister, Sibella, and her husband, John, Marquess of Strathairn, arrived for a short stay.
    “I demand to catch up on all the news!” Sibella said, fastening an inquiring green gaze on Vaughn before she’d even removed her hat.
    “It’s been dull, actually. Would you like coffee? I’m on my way to breakfast.” Vaughn would not betray Chaloner’s trust, but Sibella had a way of wheedling information out of him, which made him nervous. He was more confident conversing with her husband about his ideas for a horse stud.
    Sibella followed him into the breakfast room. “Dull? What about Mama? She’s acting extremely odd. She smiled at me in a very vague fashion and admired my new pelisse then wandered off to the nursery to see the baby.”
    “She has a beau.” Vaughn felt on solid ground discussing Lord Whitworth, who had visited them often in the last two weeks since the ball. Just last evening, Whitworth had dined and played whist with the family, and he was taking their mother for a carriage ride after luncheon. After making inquiries about him, Chaloner stated he was now satisfied Whitworth was all he appeared to be. It amused Vaughn that his brother felt he had to protect the dowager, who was a wise soul and hardly needed her son’s protection. But that was Chaloner.
    Sibella’s eyes flew open, and a smile lifted her lips. “Mama has a beau? What is he like?”
    Vaughn grinned. “Nice chap, plays a decent hand of whist.”
    Sibella snorted. “Oh you. I shall have to ask a woman. Men are always dull-witted in matters of the heart.” At that point, Chaloner entered the breakfast room with Lavinia, laughing. “Here’s Lavinia,” Sibella said. “I shall gain far more information from her.”
    “Sibella! How lovely!” Lavinia embraced her sister-in-law. “I can’t wait to see the baby.” Lavinia took the chair a footman held out for her. “Good morning, Vaughn. Isn’t it a beautiful day? I declare I’m starving.”

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