Dream Smashers
probably isn’t expecting me for another couple hours so
we can go do something else if you want.”
    “Really? Are you sure you’re feeling up to
    “Psssh. Totally.” She rolls her eyes. “I
know! We can go to the park!”
    “Which one?”
    “The one over by Washington High. Do you know
where it is?”
    “Yep. Sure do.” Evan takes off down the road,
anticipating an evening of child’s play on swings and maybe even a
trip down the slide.
    “Hurry Evan. Hurry up!” Autumn runs toward
the swings. He struggles to get out of the car fast enough,
tripping through the seat belt.
    “Wait up,” Evan calls after her, but she’s
already diving into a swing face first.
    “Woo hoo!” She cries and flies like Superman
on the swing. “Come on Evan. Come push me.”
    He jogs over to the swings. She sits on her
bottom, gripping the chains, and up she goes. He pushes her higher
and higher and higher.

    This is what carefree must feel like, soaring
through the air, up and up. “Higher, Evan, push me higher.” His
touch is gentle, but strong on my back.
    He laughs. “If you go any higher you’ll hit
an airplane.”
    Yes. Push me higher, as high as it will go.
Don’t stop. I don’t need a fancy, old car. I don’t even need a list
of rules. What I have right now is all I need to be carefree.
    The cold air whips through my hair, the
moisture from the fog clings to my clothes, but I don’t care. “I
love this. You should totally try it.” I drag my feet in the bark
to slow down. “Here, you try it.”
    “How about we swing together?” He sits on the
swing next to me and pumps his legs. “I bet I can get higher.”
    “That’s a bet you’ll lose.” I pump my legs as
hard as I can, but he’s ahead of me. He goes forward as I go
back—back and forth and back and forth.
    “Are you having fun yet?” I ask.
    He watches me as I pass him. “This was a
great idea. I haven’t been on swings in a long time.”
    “Me either. Why do you think that is? It’s
crazy that we ever stopped swinging. Everyone should have a swing
set in their yard. It should be mandatory that everyone swings once
a day.”
    Evan says, “Do you know first aid?”
    “Um, no. Why?”
    “Oh well.” He gets as high as he can go and
for a split second the swing stalls. He jumps, flaying his hands
above his head. I watch, mouth agape, stopped heart, as he falls to
the ground in slow motion. He lands, not on his feet, but laughing
and rolling around in the bark chips.
    “Are you okay?” I giggle.
    Springing from the ground, he shouts, “Yes!”
and takes a bow.
    “I wanna try!” I’m scared, but I’m not. I
pump my legs hard again. Up and up and up I go. Please don’t let me
fall on my face. Just as I peak at the highest point, I let go and
leap. The world doesn’t slow down like it did when Evan did it. It
speeds up and before I know it, I’m on the ground and somehow in
his arms.

    She’s light as air. Evan will never let her
fall. Holding her, he swings her about. Round and round they go.
She laughs. He laughs.
    “This is crazy. I’m totally dizzy,” she
    They stop.
    “I can’t believe you caught me. I was totally
ready to hit the ground face first.”
    “If I didn’t get in your way, I’m sure you
would have.” Evan sets her down.
    She dashes for the merry-go-round. “Come on.
Since you’re so keen on spinning, I’ll take you for one now.”
    “I thought you were dizzy.” He shouts and
runs full speed to catch up with her.
    “I am. But you’re not. Wow, you’re uber fast.
Weren’t you just way back there by the swings?”
    “Yep. Sure was.”
    “Ah, that’s right, you run. Well, I’m
impressed Mr. Speed Angel.” She grabs the cold bar and spins the
merry-go-round, then hops on and lies supine on the cold metal
base. Evan pushes it gently and steps on, sitting next to her.
    “Look.” She points up to the sky. “The clouds
are breaking up

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