KILTED DESIRE 3 - New Blood by A.B. McKINLEY Page A

Book: KILTED DESIRE 3 - New Blood by A.B. McKINLEY Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.B. McKINLEY
large man. He was two or three inches taller than Scott. He moved close to Scott and pushed his face close to Scott’s in an aggressive manner.
       “Yer may have jumped big Kenny but yer nae big enough tae mess with me, yer wee grease monkey. Now piss off back tae Aberdeen afore yer get yerself in tae trouble.”
    The combination of his coffee breath and aftershave was a little overpowering but Scott didn’t flinch. He calmly turned around and started to walk towards the door. Fitzgerald, unhappy that his intimidation tactics didn’t seem to be scaring Scott was getting angrier. He hurled a number of insults at Scott as he left the office. Scott didn’t look back. He moved through into the other office.
       “Yer boss is a lovely man, is he nae?” he said to the secretary as he passed through.
    She didn’t say anything and continued with her work. Scott was met as he was on the stairs by Duncan. He’d obviously just received orders to escort Scott off the premises. He went to grab Scott’s arm, but Scott pulled away.
       “Dinnae touch me or it will be the last thing yer do. I’m leaving, I dinnae want any trouble.”
    The man smiled, and backed off. He’d obviously heard what happened with Kenny and was being cautious.
       “Tough guy eh, I’ve seen yer kind many times afore,” he said as he followed Scott down the stairs and across to the door.”
       “So are yer his business partner or his secretary?” Scott asked as they approached the exit.
       “I’m his personal bodyguard actually yer bawbag.”
       “Och, that must make him feel safe,” Scott continued with his sarcasm.
       “Yer and me, anytime,” the man replied smiling.
    Scott didn’t say anything else he just walked away. He had an idea, and getting into a confrontation now wouldn’t help. As he walked back towards the alley he ignored the slew of insults that were coming from behind him. Instead he concentrated on noting the license plate number of the Jaguar, and entering it into his phone. He checked regularly to make sure he wasn’t followed and took a different route back to his car. When he was in the car he called Tiffany.
       “Hey Tiff, how are yer?”
       “Good Scott, how did it go?”
       “Nae great, but I’m fine. I’m going tae try something else though so I will nae be back until later. Can yer entertain yerself fer the rest of the day at the hotel. I’m sorry, I promise I’ll make it up tae yer.”
       “Okay Scott, just be careful and keep in contact.”
       “Thanks, I’ll call yer, dinnae worry. This will all be over soon. Bye babe.”
       “Bye Scott.”
       Scott quickly made another call, to his contact. It turned out that the Jaguar wasn’t registered to Fitzgerald. It was supposed to be owned by a man from Lanark. Scott found it hard to believe that it wasn’t the main man’s car though. He was under the impression that it was his, but was just registered in someone else’s name, probably one of his friends. Scott also learned that the address he’d just been to, wasn’t listed in any of the police files or records as a business address for Fitzgerald or ACF Leisure. Scott was intrigued, he drove his car to the end of the street where he’d just been and parked it near the corner. He could see the area where the gate was and knew there was no other way out. Any car in there would have to come out that way, and he’d see them. Scott settled in, he knew he could be in for a long wait.
       It was a quiet street and there were very few people or cars around. Nearly two hours went by before Scott saw a car come out of the alleyway. It was a white Ford SUV and it turned towards him. He crouched down in his seat as the vehicle drove by. Scott didn’t recognize the driver but the SUV drove past him without even slowing down. Relieved, Scott sat up just in time to see the silver Jaguar appear out of the alleyway and turn away from him. Scott started the car and

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