Book: KILTED DESIRE 3 - New Blood by A.B. McKINLEY Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.B. McKINLEY
sit down.
       “Thanks,” Scott replied as he sat.
       “That’s all Duncan, yer can go now,” he said to the other man, who promptly left shutting the door behind him.
       “Do yer want a drink Scott? Coffee, water, Scotch, what do yer say?”
       “Nae, I’m fine thanks.”
       “Pamela, bring me a coffee darling,” he said pressing an intercom button on his phone, before turning his attention to Scott again.
       “So why are yer so interested in Mr. Walker, Scott?”
       “He was an old army friend of mine, I heard from his ex-wife that yer guys went there looking fer him a few weeks after he’d died. I just wondered what all this was aboot.”
       “Aye well he lost a wee bit of money in one of my casinos, and he was supposed to come work fer me tae pay it off.”
       “What casino?”
       “Never yer mind what casino. The only thing we have tae work oot is how I’m going tae get my money. Is he really dead or are yer just trying tae mess with me? Because if yer are there’ll be trouble.”
       “It was on the news and in the papers. I’m sure Sharon can show yer his death certificate if yer really dinnae believe her.”
       “This is 20 grand we’re talking aboot, it’s nae just loose change. Did he have any other assets?” he asked coldly.
       “Nae idea, like I said, I’m just an old friend. But I know Sharon does nae have anything so yer wasting yer time bothering her and the kids.”
       “The house has tae be worth something, we’ll sort something oot.”
       “Yer cannae take the house, what aboot the kids?”
       “I can do whatever I want lad. Anyway , enough aboot that.”
    There was a knock on the door and the lady who was working in the other office came in with a cup of coffee. She placed it on the desk and left, closing the door.
       “Nae many people get the better of big Kenny, how would yer like tae come and work fer me?”
       “I cannae, I dinnae live here anymore. I just came back tae pay my respects tae Chris.”
       “Are yer sure? It would be guid money. I can use people who know how tae take care of themselves.”
       “Nae, I just want tae make sure Sharon is nae bothered anymore.”
       “I dinnae like it when people turn me doon Scott, or when people tell me what tae do. I’m sure yer were a big thing in the army but this is a wee bit different. We play by different rules. Until she gets the money, we keep paying her visits. Unless yer and me come tae an arrangement and yer do a couple of jobs fer me.”
       “I cannae do that, like I said, I dinnae live aroond here anymore.”
       “So where do yer live and what do yer do?”
    Scott wasn’t going to tell him anything. He just said the first thing that came into his mind.
       “I’m a car mechanic, I live up in Aberdeen. I’m heading back up there tomorrow.”
    Fitzgerald laughed sarcastically.
       “A car mechanic, yer could make a lot more money working fer me, and nae get dirty.”
       “Aye I’m sure I could, but I like doing an honest day’s work.”
       “Yer’ve got a nerve coming here and talking tae me like that yer wee scunner,” he said angrily, standing up and smashing his fist down on the desk.
    Scott w asn’t looking to antagonize him. He knew Sharon had to live here after he’d gone back to sunny California. However, sometimes he found it hard not to be a little sarcastic. He really hated the type of person Fitzgerald was, so found it difficult to hold his tongue completely. He stayed calm though, trying not to inflame the situation.
       “Nae offence, I just meant that I prefer tae do things legally. Obviously if yer have a casino that ye r cannae tell me aboot then I dinnae see how it can be legal.”
       “I think it’s time, yer left,” he said as he walked around the desk and stood towering over Scott.
       “Aye I suppose I should be going,” Scott said as he slid his chair back and stood up. Fitzgerald was a

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