KILTED DESIRE 3 - New Blood by A.B. McKINLEY Page B

Book: KILTED DESIRE 3 - New Blood by A.B. McKINLEY Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.B. McKINLEY
moved down the road. He could see there were two people inside but couldn’t confirm who they were. He didn’t want to get too close and give himself away. He followed them discretely for about 10 minutes until they stopped at another industrial unit, a few miles away in Millerston. Both men got out of the car and went inside the building. Scott recognized them as Fitzgerald and his bodyguard.
       Once again, he waited, while making a note of the address. About 30 minutes later the men returned to the car and set off again, this time heading north, and stopped at a house in the town of Bishopbriggs. Again both men went inside. Once again, Scott noted the address. They seemed to be staying there for a long time. It was late afternoon now and was getting dark. Scott was just about to leave when the men returned to the car. It was just about light enough for him to confirm that it was the same two guys who got back into the Jaguar. Again he followed them, this time out of the Glasgow area. They headed north east on the M80, Scott followed them carefully, making sure they didn’t know he was tailing them. This time they drove for over half an hour, stopping at a country house on the outskirts of a small town, east of Cumbernauld. It was a large fairly modern country house, and was gated. It was dark now but it appeared to have a large wall or fence surrounding the property. The house was elevated though and lit up with a couple of security lights so Scott could see it well. Scott noted the address and waited again. He made a couple of calls to Tiffany to let her know he was fine, but after a few hours waiting Scott was confident that the men were there to stay. So, he started the car and headed back towards Glasgow. Tiffany was glad to see him when he arrived back at the hotel, he was glad to see her too. Although Scott had spent most of the day just waiting around, he was tired. He knew it was too late to call his special contact. There was nothing urgent that couldn’t wait until the morning. So, as much as he wanted to do more research, he decided it was best to get some sleep.
    Chapter 10
       They were both awoken early the next morning by Scott’s cell phone. It was Sharon, and she was upset.
       “What’s wrong Sharon?” Scott asked.
       “I’ve had two windows broken, they’ve thrown bricks through my windows,” she said hysterically.
       “Has it just happened?” Scott asked.
       “Aye, aboot a quarter of an hoor ago. I’ve just been cleaning up the mess.”
       “Have yer called the police?”
       “Aye, but I dinnae suppose they’ll be able tae do much. They’re sending someone over.”
       “So yer have anywhere yer can go fer a while Sharon, until all this settles doon?” Scott asked looking over at the clock a nd noticing it was just after 5:30 a.m.
       “I may be able tae, I’ll ask around. I have tae go now Scott , I think the police car has just arrived.”
       “Okay, let me know what yer find oot, bye,” he said and put the cell phone down on the bedside table.
       “What’s happened?” asked Tiffany sleepily.
       “Sharon’s had some windows broken. The police are there now so they’re okay.’
       “What’s wrong with people?” she asked rhetorically as she glanced at the clock.
       “Aye, I agree. It’s ridiculous. There’s nae anything we can do so just try and get a few more hours sleep,” Scott said as he stroked her hair, then kissed her cheek.
       She seemed to settle down and went back to sleep again quite quickly. Scott however, was too angry to sleep. He got up, took a shower and grabbed a bite to eat. Soon he was on the computer doing more research. He called his contacts too and gave them the addresses that he’d witnessed Fitzgerald visit. The first house they stopped at the previous day in Bishopbriggs was a property owned by Fitzgerald. The police were aware that

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