Kick Ass

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Authors: Carl Hiaasen
Tags: Shared-Mom
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our kids.
    We’ve seen so much that we’ve built up an unhealthy tolerance. Numbness sets in until there’s a fresh fix. And we never need to wait too long.
    On Thursday, police released the videotape of a Broward store clerk shooting a robber in the head. The incident occurred months ago, but who cares? They showed it on all the channels, again and again. As a bonus they played the 911 call, too.
    Exciting stuff, this reality. They’re doing it to death.
    Great gift ideas for very young snipers-to-be
    December 19, 1993
    With all their caterwauling about juvenile violence, wimpy liberals in Washington have succeeded in intimidating toy dealers just in time for Christmas.
    The country’s largest retailer, Toys-R-Us, has decided to stop selling a Sega video game called “Night Trap.”
    I haven’t played “NightTrap,” but the plot seems fairly routine: Vampire home invaders drain the blood of nubile co-eds by drilling into the veins of their necks.
    Fun for the whole family, right?
    But after pantywaists in Congress complained about the “graphic” content, Toys-R-Us yanked the video off the shelves. In an atmosphere of such panic, what’ll they ban nexttoy guns?
    I raced to the nearest Toys-R-Us outlet to find out. With great relief I can report that the store’s arsenal remains fully stocked and ready for action.
    For that future cocaine cowboy in your house, several toy Uzis are still available for about $3.99. My favorite is the Neon Uzi Squirter, a “clip loading” water gun that supposedly sounds like an authentic assault rifle.
    If that’s too much firepower for your trigger-happy tyke, start him out with something smallerthe .357 “Make My Day” Magnum, manufactured by Real Tech and sold for $7.99. The Clint Eastwood quip stolen for this toy’s promotion actually referred to a .44, but that’s quibbling. The “Make My Day” Magnum features “real firing sounds” and a rotating cylinder.
    Kids growing up in big cities are much too streetwise to be amused by replicas of dinky Wild West six-shooters or clumsy muzzle-loaders. The shelves of Toys-R-Us amply reflect the precocious interests of today’s urban youngster.
    H. T. Toys sells an AK-47 water rifle that’s unbeatable at $2.99, while Combat Force offers an adorable M-16 for $4.99.
    A word of caution: According to the instructions, the M-16 is unsuitable for children under 3 years oldnot because it’s morally questionable to let toddlers play with toy weapons, but because they tend to disassemble them and swallow the plastic parts.
    Not to worry.
    The motto of the toy gun industry is: Safety, safety, safety! So many kids brandishing realistic-looking toy pistols have been shot by police and homeowners that many manufacturers have switched to neon colors, to avoid future confusion.
    For example, the venerable Daisy Company offers a Buffalo Bill Rifle with an orange cap on the barrel to make it “easily identified as a toy.” The gun promises a “loud bang,” but the label warns: “Do not fire it closer to the ear than one foot.”
    Santa, are you listening?
    Strolling the aisles, it’s impossible not be tempted by the M-60 Automatic Assault Lazer (“Try Me! Pull Trigger”). For $19.99, your pint-size holiday sniper can hear the same pop-pop-pop that real snipers do.
    And the extra ammo belt makes a cool stocking-stuffer.
    No armory would be complete without a selection of 9mm semiautomatics. Toys-R-Us sells a model resembling the one used so successfully by the madman on the Long Island commuter train. Made in Macau (“LoadedTry me!”), it’s a bargain at $5.99
    and there’s no waiting period. Yet.
    But parents seeking the ultimate in toy weaponry should train their sights on “Survivor Shot.” For $29.98, Junior gets a high-tech rifle and a battery-operated headset to be worn during simulated firefights.
    The toy’s major selling point is plastered in bold letters on the box: “When you’re hit, you feel it! “That’s

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