before the scythe and you know it.”
    Sam hesitated . “If you say so . But that’s a helluva gamble.”
    "I know . Make sure anybody patrolling the freeway hears we're coming . Doesn't look good if my guys are getting chased down H2 and up the Like."
    "Consider it done . Go get those bastards before they hurt anybody else."
    Duct tape did for restraints on Pistolero. His friend didn’t need any. The dead never do. “When HPD gets here, I suggest you sing like a rooster. Because that’ll be the only thing that saves you from a hanging.”
    Walking around to the garage, Jax climbed inside his truck and pulled a cellphone out of a hard case just below the stereo system . It was his business phone . Bringing up the program his IT whiz had created, he dialed four numbers at once on a conference call . "This is Johnny Rocket, authenticate Charlie-Alpha-niner-tree-fife-tree-fife . How copy?"
    "This is Pop Eye . Uniform Tango eight-four-tree-two-one . Secure."
    "Rodeo." Without even being there to see it, he knew they were already moving toward the arms room at a run as they secured their vests . Quick Response Force standard required the duty team be out the door and moving less than three minutes after a call came in . Veterans know their business and what they are about .
    "We have a Breslin in progress , " Jax continued on . "Bluebird needs us to make entry and neutralize all targets . Dress to kill with cans . Rendezvous at HPU K-Bay . Call for hard location at echo minus tree mikes . Questions?"
    The conversation had been entirely in the shorthand slang and brevity codes that military men use daily out of habit. But with it Jax had been able to tell the men exactly what the situation was, it’s location, gear they'd need, and what to do along the way. Now all that remained was to go hunt.
    "What is our rate of travel?" Marius asked.
    "Full cyclic . Bluebird knows you're coming and has authorized you to stroll past."
    Donny whooped . "Hell yeah!"
    Jax allowed himself a grim smile . Knowing the Rock star, he’d be on that new Hayabusa of his and thundering down the road daring anybody to keep up with him.
    " ETA fifteen mikes, " Marius announced firmly .
    As they had been talking, Jax was navigating his way to the H-2 Freeway . The on-ramp came into sight and his foot smashed the accelerator into the floorboards. Five hundred horses worth of thunder and fury launched the Chevrolet forward as the tachometer needle soared . Today was a very good day to die.

Chapter Nine
    Johnny, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard.
    'Cause Hell's broke loose in Georgia and the Devil deals it hard.
    And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold,
    But if you lose the devil gets your soul.
    Charlie Daniels
    The chaos surrounding the school was incredible . Jax looked at it, biting back at the anger rising inside him as he parked his truck near Kehau's building. At least three injured nearby, and by the uniform, a campus cop who looked as if he'd been hacked apart . Machetes . Oh , damn . I’ll bet anything they're on some hard drugs .
    Stepping out and swinging up into the bed, he opened the lockbox residing there . Blades sat in their sheaths, hooked on to a web belt . “Damn it,” Jax cursed as he realized what was wrong.
    Normally, he kept a rifle in the lockbox. That rifle was currently sitting in Xavier’s armory, disassembled. Somehow he’d forgotten that tiny little detail.
    At least I’ve got my pistol and my kukri. Note to self, fix this later. And he went back to dressing.
    People glanced at him as they ran past, moving down the hill as quickly as they could . Jax paid no heed at all, he was back in that familiar place . Where there was no need to rush, no need to hurry . He was not a well-rounded man who understood all things . But he’d had a first-rate education at the school of the rifle, pistol , and blade . He knew how to protect the things he loved the most.
    Jax belted it all on, loos en

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