ing retaining straps on his knives and axe as he looked up toward the building grimly, rolling back the cuffs of his sleeves to the elbows. It was a reflex habit from his time deployed . Heavy metal gauntlets slid over his hands, as he recited the creed t aught at the School of Infantry.
    Locate, close with, and destroy the enemy, by fire and maneuver, or repel the enemy assault by fire and close combat.
    The sound of motorcycle engines filled the air . Four men in Ja ë ger’s trademark outfit : camouflage pattern German-style greatcoat s and a variety of helmets , rolled up to the curb beside his truck .
    They parked, dismounted, and began to disrobe; beneath were tac-vests loaded down with weapons, knives, and magazines of ammunition . Wearing greatcoats allowed the men to easily conceal their gear while in transit to a job site .
    "How many?" Marius asked.
    "No clue . Can't be more than two dozen . They've got Machete s though . Probably jumped up on Angel dust or heroin ."
    "Not good."
    "Nope . Dance studio is on the third floor at a dead end . We make entry here, secure both stairwells , and move up . Rendezvous in the parallel hallway."
    Marius rubbed his jaw . "Gonna have to run uneven teams . Who do you want for the duo?"
    "Myself and Joachim. I know the layout and so does Donny, so we'll go up the back . Meet near the studio."
    "Simple enough . Just don't let Old Man Murphy hear about it."
    "Or Emperor Mong."
    “Hey, Joachim, you're still a virgin right? We need to make a sacrifice to appease the Elder gods!”
    Joachim didn't look back but the upraised middle finger on his left hand gave the team a reason to laugh.
    "Are you the police?" a voice called out to them . The Japanese man in the suit looked visibly shaken at the sight of the dead and wounded.
    “And you are?”
    “Ken Ahuna, Dean of the School.”
    "We’re with the police , " Jax answered . "Get everybody away from the building . Now."
    Spying a man in a maintenance uniform, Jax approached him . "I need you to shut down the power."
    "Gimme a minute to get around back."
    "Hustle . Soon as the power goes out, we're headed in there to kill some bastards."
    As the maintenance man shuffled off, the Ja ë ger men stacked up beside the door, just out of sight . Jax dialed Sam’s number again.
    “You're at HPU already?”
    “You pay me for results remember?”
    “Fair enough . What’ve you got?”
    “Looks like multiple assailants, Machetes, no guns so far.”
    “How soon will you make entry?”
    “Next thirty seconds or thereabouts.”
    “Smart man.” A pause . “SWAT t eam commander’s been notified you’re on site . It’s Balanay. ” He p ause d. ”I wish I was there with you , ” Sam declared in a wistful voice.
    “I know , ” Jax replied . Suddenly the lights went out in the building . “Gotta run, making entry now.”
    Jax moved sil ently through the halls as Joachim covered his rear . Near the corner, he heard heavy breathing and the sound of somebody drinking loudly from a fountain . His left fist went up as he paused for a peek . One finger went up, then a knife hand .
    One man with a knife .
    Joachim flashed it back to him and Jax stepped around the corner . The man was still turned away from him .
    Target acquired.
    The kukri on his left hip silently slid out of its sheath. Jax stepped forward and pivoted as he brought the kukri down in fast slash. Machete man never knew what hit him and died instantly. It was a company rule ever since a job in Congo went bad that people with any kind of knife died first in close quarters . Jax had no pity for him.
    Chose to be violent against innocent people, now you'll learn the price for your actions .
    Joachim caught one roving, and from the sounds of it, the others had similar numbers . Experienced sentries would've known to keep within eyesight and hearing of each other . These had no experience, and they paid for the lack of it with their lives .
    “ Tough shit ,” the veterans would

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