In the Paths of Righteousness (Psalm 23 Mysteries)

In the Paths of Righteousness (Psalm 23 Mysteries) by Debbie Viguié Page B

Book: In the Paths of Righteousness (Psalm 23 Mysteries) by Debbie Viguié Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Viguié
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sighed. “So, do you think of our ten suspects there’s anyone we can safely rule out yet?”
    There was a moment of silence. Finally Jeremiah spoke up. “My gut tells me we can rule out Zack and Curly. I don’t think either of them had anything to do with it.”
    “Okay, let’s move them onto the Probably Not But Don’t Turn Your Back On Them Anyway list,” Mark said. “That leaves us with eight people, seven of whom work for the network. We have to find a way to chop that list down further.”
    They heard the ringing of the triangle that signified that dinner was ready. They all stood up just as Kyle jogged over.
    “Cind, got a sec?” he asked.
    “Sure,” she said, taking a deep breath. “Go ahead,” she told the others.
    In a moment she was alone with her brother. His eye had really turned black from where she had hit him and inwardly she winced.
    “I’m sorry about that,” she said. “I shouldn’t have hit you.”
    Kyle grinned. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve been hit by way angrier, way stronger people than you.”
    She smiled back, surprised that he could have such a sense of humor about it. “I didn’t think anyone could get angrier than that.”
    “Trust me they can, and with far less provocation. I try to live life every moment to the fullest and sometimes my way of doing things rubs people the wrong way. I don’t know how to be any different, though.”
    “So, you’re girlfriend.”
    “Lisa,” he said cautiously.
    “Lisa. Do you have a picture of her?”
    His eyes lit up at that. “I do.” He dug out his phone. “I don’t know why I haven’t just stowed this in my gear. We’re not going to get any reception until we make town,” he said.
    “Habit?” she suggested.
    “Probably. Battery’s about gone anyway. Here you go,” he said, handing it to her at last.
    Cindy stared at the girl with long, dark brown hair and large grey eyes. She was smiling at the camera and she was strikingly beautiful.
    “She’s gorgeous,” Cindy said, handing the phone back.
    “I think so,” Kyle said, turning the phone off and returning it to his pocket. “I’m still not sure how I got so lucky.”
    He sounded completely sincere and it surprised Cindy. She always thought of her brother as the one with the super ego.
    “Hopefully I can meet her sometime soon.”
    “We’ll be at Mom and Dad’s for Thanksgiving again this year.”
    “Not that soon,” Cindy said, forcing a smile.
    “Can’t blame a guy for trying. They miss you, you know.”
    “Mom and Dad, that’s who.”
    Cindy dropped her eyes. “I’m sure as long as you’re there they’re just fine.”
    “Look, I know Mom can be a bit...obsessive over my career.”
    “Obsessive?” Cindy asked with a bitter laugh. “That’s a bit of an understatement.”
    “I just think she’s living vicariously through me or something. I think she wishes she was out there having more adventures.”
    Cindy wondered briefly if that could be true.
    Kyle sighed. “Look, I don’t want to get all family psycho-analyzy here.”
    “Good word.”
    “Thanks, made it up just now. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure we were okay.”
    She nodded. “We’re good.”
    “That’s a relief. Because I heard a rumor you were auctioning off the opportunity to blacken my other eye.”
    She laughed, startled. “How did you hear that?”
    “I have my sources. Now, let’s go get some food.”
    They walked over together. Everyone else was busy eating. Jeremiah looked at her and raised a questioning eyebrow. She flashed him a nod and a smile to let him know that everything was okay, at least for the moment.
    There was a big pot of stew on the rough table set up behind the chuck wagon and one remaining bowl for Cindy.
    “Hey, Cookie, where’s my food?” Kyle called jovially.
    Brent stepped down from the back of the wagon, a bowl in his hand. Cindy took one look at him and stepped forward. He was pasty white and he was sweating

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