In the Paths of Righteousness (Psalm 23 Mysteries)

In the Paths of Righteousness (Psalm 23 Mysteries) by Debbie Viguié Page A

Book: In the Paths of Righteousness (Psalm 23 Mysteries) by Debbie Viguié Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Viguié
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felt relief surge through him. He’d been afraid he was going to fall off his horse from pure exhaustion before they made it.
    Two of the cowboys bunched up the cattle while the rest of the group clustered around Kyle. Kyle’s face was smeared with dirt and dust from the trail and Mark couldn’t help but wonder if he looked better or worse.
    “Nice job today everyone,” Kyle said. “Make sure to drop your helmets off behind the chuck wagon. Set up camp. Dinner I’m told will be in half an hour.”
    Mark practically fell off his horse, wondering how he was going to survive another four days of this. Traci groaned as she slid off her horse and tossed the reins to Tex. Even Jeremiah looked a little stiff as he dismounted which definitely made Mark feel better.
    They moved to the back of the chuck wagon where Cindy had already pulled out their sleeping bags and backpacks. After dumping their helmets in a pile for the camera guys, the four of them took their gear and headed over to the spot where Kyle had indicated they should set up camp.
    Mark tried to squat down on the ground and instead landed on his rump. Traci snickered and he just shook his head. “This is hard work. I vote that Cindy gets to set everything up since she got to ride on the wagon.”
    “I was injured, remember?” Cindy said, blinking big doe eyes.
    It was so funny he laughed despite his exhaustion.
    “Well, I found out some interesting things today,” Traci said, lowering her voice. “Apparently this show is going to be their flagship for the new season.”
    Jeremiah frowned. “You think this could be more about hurting the network than Kyle?”
    “I don’t know,” she said. “I do know that he and Wayne aren’t very fond of each other.”
    “I heard Wayne took a swing at him while they were filming in Belize,” Cindy said.
    “I heard that, too, but I didn’t hear what provoked it,” Mark said.
    “Me either,” Cindy admitted. “I also heard that Roddy is sick of being treated like Kyle’s personal assistant.”
    “Interesting,” Mark said, stroking his chin and electing to stay seated for a few more minutes. The muscles in his thighs were twitching painfully.
    “I talked to both Zack and Curly. They seemed like nice guys and neither of them had ever worked with Kyle or anyone from the Escape! Channel for that matter. Curly had never even heard of it. I never had a chance to talk with Tex, though,” Jeremiah said. “Hank was singularly unforthcoming,” he added.
    “You mean more than you?” Mark quipped.
    He got a glare for his troubles.
    “Apparently this show was all Norman’s idea,” Cindy said.
    “The new cinematographer?” Mark asked. “How does that work?”
    “I guess he pitched the show, the network loved it, but they wanted Martin because he was the better cinematographer.”
    Mark whistled. “That’s cause for some resentment right there.”
    “Apparently he was filming one of Brent’s shows the day they broke the news to him and he took it hard.”
    “Who wouldn’t?” Mark asked, noticing that a muscle in Jeremiah’s jaw was beginning to twitch. “I mean, you have this thing, you think it’s yours, and then someone else takes it away from you.”
    The muscle in Jeremiah’s jaw twitched more.
    Don’t push him , Mark lectured himself. He shouldn’t have made that last dig. He wasn’t even sure why he had except maybe to get the rabbi’s goat.
    Traci glanced sideways at him then changed the subject. “I did get one other thing out of Kyle. Apparently he and Liz went on like one date which was fairly disastrous. She ended up telling him he just wasn’t her type, but that was like two years ago and they’ve still been working together without any problems.”
    “Interesting, Liz didn’t mention anything about that to me,” Cindy said.
    “Maybe it wasn’t a big deal to her,” Mark suggested.
    “Or she was embarrassed to admit she dated your brother and dumped him,” Traci said.

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