Human Blend
she saw, even managing a smile when the man picked her up and swung
her around at the winnings. She waited by the trash can with her
water ice, the reward for doing as told, as the man collected the
winnings. A few yards away she noticed an older man leaning against
a wall, he looked to be having trouble breathing. The little girl
immediately discarded her water ice and walked over to the man as
he slid down the wall, with his hand clutching his chest. She
placed her hands on arm of the man as others gathered around and
shouts to call 911 could be heard. By her touch, the little girl
could tell that the man was having a heart attack. She was able to
calm his heart and get it back into a normal rhythm. As her own
breathing became labored the man looked over at the little girl.
“Wha... what did you do?”
    She was unable to talk right away and was
spared from answering; the man she came with pulled her away from
the scene. The look on his face told her she was going to pay
    The dream began to fade.
    Julie's eyes were suddenly open. She was back
in the hospital room with Michele. She stared blankly, trying to
comprehend the images she had seen.
    Doctor Elsworth re-entered the room carrying
a tray filled with food. He saw the distant look in Julie's eyes
and immediately put the tray down, and went over to her.
    “Julie. What's wrong? Are you in pain?” he
    Julie blinked a few times and shook her head.
“No, I... I just had a dream, I think,” she replied, her voice
distant. In her head, she knew it was more than just a dream. She
did not want to discuss it with Eli, at least not yet. She smiled
at the concerned look on the doctor's face. “I'm fine, really. Just
hungry,” she emphasized by hugging her stomach. Eli gave an uneasy
chuckle, still not convinced Julie was telling him everything. He
decided to not push it at the moment.
    “The kitchen crew was restocking, I got
lucky,” he said, retrieving the tray. He bought the tray over to
Julie. It was filled with sandwiches, juice, and fruit. “I didn't
know what you liked,” he explained.
    “So you brought one of everything?” Julie
laughed, seeing the tray.
    Eli found himself laughing as well. That was
another puzzling piece to the fascination he felt towards her. He
had never found it easy to laugh or smile, yet he found himself
doing it more often around this girl. “Just eat,” he said, trying
to understand these feelings.
    “Aren't you going to have any?” she
    “I don't need to eat that often,” Eli
    “Why not?” Julie asked.
    “Eat,” he ordered.
    “Are you ever gonna give me any answers?” she
asked, unwrapping one of the sandwiches.
    “Even exchange, remember?” He reminded her of
their agreement. Julie didn't reply. She munched quietly on her
    After eating her fill, Julie did feel a lot
stronger. “I think that was it,” she said. “I just needed food,”
Julie walked over and stood next to the doctor. He was checking
Michele's vitals. “How is she?” Julie asked, looking at the
    “She is stable. I'm not going to lower her
sedatives until I see what the scans show in a few hours,” he
    “Hours? Shoot. What time is it?” Julie
    “Three. Why?” Eli asked.
    “I'd better head home. I need to shower and
change. I am meeting Mrs. Gosley at nine to see the apartment,”
Julie reminded him.
    The Doctor closed the chart. “I'll drive you
home,” he said.
    “I can...” Julie started to say.
    “Non-negotiable. It's late. You are not
walking,” Eli said firmly.
    She pursed her lips together, but decided not
to challenge him. Silently, they walked to the parking lot. “This
town seems deserted at this time of the night,” Julie remarked on
the ride home.
    “That's why it's my favorite time,” Eli
    “I like the quiet, sometimes. Then there are
times when I hate being alone,” she said, wistfully.
    The Doctor pulled up in front of the hotel.

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