Human Blend
are not yours,” Julie said. She
walked into the bathroom and began collecting her toiletries. Why did I get other people involved, she thought. I had a
plan when I started out . What happened ? She walked back
out into the main room. She paused when she noticed Eli reading the
note that Austin had sent with the rose.
    “Your boyfriend?” he asked.
    “Snoop much?” Julie replied taking the note
from his hand.
    “Billy will be upset,” he teased.
    Julie smirked at the comment. She went over
to the safe and retrieved her bag from inside. She placed it in her
duffel bag before zipping it up. “That's everything,” she said.
    “You travel light,” Eli noted.
    “Makes it easy to pick up and go,” she
    He walked over and picked up her bag. “Let's
go,” he said.
    “To the hotel,” she reiterated.
    “You're stubborn,” Eli said, walking to the
door. Julie smiled following after him.

Chapter Five-- A New Place to Stay
    Down in the lobby, no one was behind the
front desk. “I'll stop back tomorrow and check out,” she said,
thankful that she didn't have to see Anthony again.
    In the car, silence was a welcome friend.
Julie was glad Eli wasn't still trying to persuade her to stay with
him. They had just passed the hospital when he turned the car off
into a parking lot. The building sign read, 'Towne Apartments' and
consisted of three floors.
    “This isn't a hotel,” Julie said.
    “I know. This is the place you have an
appointment to see in a few hours,” Eli said.
    “Uh, I think Mrs. Gosley would be a little
ticked off if I woke her up this early,” Julie said.
    “That, she would be,” Eli agreed, getting out
of the car.
    “What are you doing?” Julie whispered,
mindful of the late hour.
    “We're here,” he whispered back, taking her
bag out of the trunk. “I live here. I can be stubborn too,” he
    “You tricked me!” she fumed, stomping after
him as he walked through the front entrance. Julie was behind him
and couldn't see the smile he wore. “I'm not happy about this,” she
said, still keeping her voice low.
    Eli stopped in front of apartment number 107
and unlocked the door. He pushed the door open and gestured her in.
Julie folded her arms and refused to budge. “Stop being difficult,”
he said to her. He shook his head and walked into the apartment,
dropping her bag on the sofa, before going back out into the
hallway. “Will you please come inside?” Eli asked.
    “I don't like being told what to do,” Julie
    “This is the best solution,” he said.
“Tomorrow, you will see your apartment, sign the papers, and move
in. Why is it so difficult for you to accept my help?” he
    Julie sighed. She knew he was right. She was
just being hard-headed. “Fine,” she said, begrudgingly.
    “I have a spare bedroom,” Eli said once
inside. He carried her bag to the room and placed it on the
    Julie stopped in the bedroom doorway. “I'm
sorry for giving you a hard time,” she apologized.
    “I'm getting used to it,” he said,
    “I guess... I can be troublesome,” she said
and laughed.
    He walked over and touched her face. “Not
troublesome; protective. It's an endearing trait,” he said, kissing
her cheek.
    “I'm going to head on back to the hospital,”
Eli said, walking back into the living room. “There is food in the
kitchen, help yourself. The bathroom is over here,” he
    “I should go back with you,” Julie said.
    “Julie,” Eli moaned, pinching the bridge of
his nose.
    “I'm giving you a headache, aren't I?” Julie
smiled. “I'm kidding, sort of. I'll meet with Mrs. Gosley, but then
I am coming over to check on Michele,” she stated.
    “Fine,” Eli said. He wondered how she had
managed to turn the tables on him yet again. “Here is an extra key.
Make sure you lock up when you leave. “ He handed her the key.
    “Thank you,” she said, holding onto his hand,
“for everything,” she added.

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