Human Blend
don't have to be alone, unless you want to be,” Eli said. If
Julie had looked at Eli's face, she might have seen more to the
comment he had just made. She was, instead, staring up at her room.
“Someone's in my room,” she said, watching the curtain move
slightly. She also noticed the light was on. “I just saw the
curtain move, and I know I turned the lights off,” she said,
already getting out of the car.
    Eli shut the car off and got out with her.
Once inside, Julie hesitated. What if it's them? What if they
found me? “You can't go up,” she said to Eli.
    “You are not going alone,” he said.
    “Eli, please. I can't put you in danger,” she
    “Do you think it is the people you are
running from?” he asked. Julie started to feel anxious.
    “I don't know. I was sure I covered my
tracks, but...” she stopped there. Julie had this intense urge to
just run. “I... um...” she stammered, backing up toward the door.
Eli grabbed her arms.
    “Julie, you can't run forever. I won't let
anything happen to you,” he tried to reason with her, but Julie
kept pulling back.
    “No, I can't. I can't go back. I gotta get
out of here,” she was letting the panic and fear consume her.
    Eli pulled her to him and embraced her. He
touched her face, his lips near her ear. “You are going to be fine.
No one is going to take you back. I won't let them,” he
    “I'm scared,” she said quietly, letting his
arms encircle her. She hid her face against him until her heart
rate calmed.
    When Eli felt her relax, he pushed her back
and looked at her. “Let's go see who this is,” he said. She
trembled, but nodded. They made their way upstairs. Julie noticed
her door was slightly ajar as they approached. Eli glanced at her
for confirmation, she again nodded. He put his finger to his lips
as he pushed the door open. Julie stayed with her back against the
wall, too scared to look in. Much to Julie's surprise, Eli ran
inside her room. She heard a commotion and ran to the doorway. The
doctor had a man pinned to the ground, “Who are you? What are you
doing in her room?” he shouted at the man. The man's face was being
pushed into the carpet and only a muffling sound escaped his lips.
Eli flipped the man over but kept him pinned to the ground. Julie
was surprised at who it was.
    “Anthony! What the hell are you doing in my
room?” Julie shouted angrily.
    “You know him?” Eli asked, looking back at
    “He's one of the clerks at the front desk,”
Julie said, still glowering at the pinned man.
    “Uh, M... Miss Miller. I am oh s... so sorry.
I became concerned when the maid said you were not in your r...
room when she turned down your bed for the evening. I... I didn't
see you come in, and wanted to b... be sure you were alright,”
Anthony stammered.
    “You check on all your guests that way,
Anthony?” Eli questioned, not believing a word he said.
    “P... Please, I'm sorry, I just became
concerned. I will never do anything like this again, I swear,”
Anthony promised.
    Eli climbed off of Anthony and stood next to
Julie. Anthony quickly righted himself. “I'm very sorry, Miss...”
He started to say.
    “Save it, Anthony. Just get out,” Julie
ordered. The look on Julie's face prevented him from trying to say
anything else. He quickly exited the room. Julie marched over to
the door, closed it the rest of the way, and locked it. She leaned
her back against the door and looked at Eli.
    “So much for peace and quiet,” she said.
    “You're not staying here,” the doctor
    “I wasn't planning on it,” Julie said. “There
are a few other hotels just outside of town,” Julie stated,
remembering what Austin had mentioned. She pulled her duffel bag
out from under her bed.
    “No. You can stay at my place,” Eli said.
    “I'm not your responsibility,” Julie said,
packing her stuff.
    “Julie. I saw how scared you were when you
thought the people you are hiding from had found you.”
    “My problems

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