Hot SEALs: Her Special Alpha (Kindle Worlds) (X-OPS 3.5)
the burning question she’d wanted to ask since Travis had brought up the idea of moving to DC.
    “How long have you been thinking about turning down the job your friend offered you and moving up to DC to be near me instead?”
    He rested his forearms on the table, his lips curving into a sexy smile. “I was attracted to you the first moment I saw you in that alley. But the real turning point was yesterday when we were right here in these chairs talking—and kissing. That was when I realized there was something special going on between us and that I didn’t want it to end when you went home.”
    Neither one of them were saying the “L” word out loud because they both knew it was way too soon to put a name to what was going on between them. But somewhere inside her heart, Eden knew that was what Travis was talking about. Because that was what she was feeling, too.
    “So you just up and decided to move to DC to be near me?” she asked, then quickly added, “Not that I’m complaining, of course. But I have to admit, I don’t think I’ve ever met a man willing to take a leap of faith like this, especially after knowing someone for four days.”
    He chuckled. “I can’t take all the credit. I wasn’t really sure what I should do, not until I talked to Jon—the SEAL who offered me the job. He’s the one who convinced me I needed to take a chance and tell you how I feel because things this good don’t come around very often.”
    “Why’d you wait until now to tell me?” she asked. “You could have called me last night, or told me in between stopping at Sammy’s sports bar and the duplex on the beach.”
    “I could have,” he agreed. “But there was one thing holding me back.”
    “What was that?”
    “I wasn’t sure how you felt about the whole thing, and I didn’t want to freak you out by coming on too strong,” he explained. “But then we started talking about the wedding, and I realized that if I didn’t say something, you’d be gone and I’d never get another chance to tell you how I feel.”
    Eden felt her heart squeeze. Okay. If this got any more romantic, she was going to cry.
    She set down her tea and got up to walk around to Travis’ side of the table. When he pushed back his chair, she climbed on his lap like she had yesterday. The moment she did, she realized how right it felt. She belonged on his lap just like he belonged in her life.
    “Well, I for one am very glad you did tell me how you feel,” she said. “If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t be doing this right now.”
    Then she leaned forward, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him like she’d wanted to do all day.
    Travis groaned, one of his hands getting a firm grip on her hip while the other moved up to tangle in her hair. His tongue teased its way into her mouth, and she let out a soft growl, reveling in how good he tasted, something which had nothing at all to do with the food he’d just eaten. This was all him—pure, unadulterated Travis Dalton, stud muffin.
    Eden felt the tingling in her gums just moments before her fangs slipped partially out. She almost forced them back in, but stopped herself. Travis knew what she was. There was no reason to hide it. Even so, she was still surprised his startle reflex didn’t kick in even for a second. Instead, he just slowed down a little, taking his time to run his tongue carefully over the tips of her fangs. Her body trembled at the sensation. Why did this feel so damn good?
    Because for the first time in your life, you’re getting a chance to know what it’s like to be with a man who totally accepts you the way you are—fangs, claws, and all.
    When Travis finally pulled away, it was only so he could slip his hands under her shirt and shove it up over her head. Then his mouth was back on hers, pulling more moans of pleasure from her as he reached behind her and unclasped her bra.
    She hated to push him away even for a second so she could get the damn thing off, but the

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