By Love Enslaved

By Love Enslaved by Phoebe Conn

Book: By Love Enslaved by Phoebe Conn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phoebe Conn
twenty-two, and concentrating on that fact, he forced himself to act like a man who was totally in control of his emotions even though that was a long way from the truth.
    “The falcons will be molting soon and won’t be training, so what you suggest is doubly impossible.”
    When Berit frowned slightly, Erik knew she was about to argue and he refused to provide her that chance. Giving in to the love he had always felt for her, if only for a second, he bent down to place a feather-soft kiss on her lips, then he abruptly turned away. In an instant he was seated astride his sleek black horse, and from that lofty perch he could speak with far more confidence than he felt. “I’ve asked you not to tease me before, Berit. Please don’t do it again. We can’t meet tomorrow or any other morning. The risk is simply too great.”
    Berit reached out to grab Shadow’s bridle before Erik could turn away. “What risk? I’d never tell.”
    “The risk is that we would fall in love, but be forbidden to marry. I could never bear that pain, and I won’t inflict it on you. Now good day.”
    Erik wrenched his mount free of her grasp and urged him into a brisk canter that swiftly carried him across the yard and out onto the path that led home. He didn’t look back, but Berit remained where she stood until he was no longer in sight.
    The disheartened blonde let out a mournful sigh as she turned around, but when she found her mother standing in the doorway observing her with a darkly menacing scowl, she did her best to display her most dazzling smile. She was certain Grena couldn’t have seen Erik kiss her, so she didn’t understand why she looked so troubled.
    “Just what did you and Erik have to discuss for so long?” Grena asked without responding to her daughter’s friendly smile.
    “We were talking about horses.” Why that subject had come to her mind she didn’t know, but it had sounded plausible enough to her, so she elaborated on it. “He thought we might want to breed Sleipner to some of their mares, but I told him that’s something for Jørn and Haakon to decide.”
    “Why would Erik be talking to you about such things?” Grena asked suspiciously.
    “Well, I suppose the thought occurred to him when they had Sleipner at their farm last night. Sky Dancer is a better stallion than Sleipner, though, isn’t he?” Berit was sorry now she had not said they were talking about falcons, since she knew her mother had little interest in the elegant birds of prey.
    “Yes, he is a splendid animal, while Sleipner seldom lives up to Jørn’s boasts. Is that all Erik said to you?”
    “He wished me a good day. Did you want to speak with him? I wish you had said so. I would have told him to wait a moment.”
    “No, I’ve nothing to say to Erik.” Grena’s frown had failed to lift, however. “See that you don’t either, as it will only encourage him and we don’t want that.”
    Berit wanted to argue that she would never want any man’s attentions more, but knowing that declaration would only serve to make her mother even more suspicious than she appeared to be already, she shrugged as though Erik meant nothing at all to her. “I seldom see him anymore, Mother, and he treats me as though I were still a child, so you needn’t worry about him.”
    Grena continued to regard her lovely daughter with a thoughtful stare. Erik was quite handsome, and with all the wealthy traders gone, Berit would have no young men calling on her until the fall. “I intend a fine marriage for you, Berit, and your reputation must be above reproach. You are not to speak with Erik again unless Freya sends him here with a message.”
    “Yes, Mother,” Berit replied, but she had no intention of honoring that promise. She had never enjoyed riding as much as Dana did, but she decided instantly that was an interest she ought to cultivate since it would provide an excuse to visit Freya’s farm often, and with luck she would see Erik every time she

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