Hot SEALs: Her Special Alpha (Kindle Worlds) (X-OPS 3.5)
    After a while, however, she realized he was mostly poking the Mongolian beef around in his take-out carton with his chopsticks instead of eating it.
    “Is something wrong?” she asked.
    Travis didn’t say anything for a long time, and she was about to prod him when he finally lifted his head to look at her. “I was wondering what comes after the wedding. Are you heading right back to DC?”
    Her breath hitched. Why would ask if she was going back to DC right away unless he didn’t want her to leave just yet?
    “I have another whole week off,” she said. “My boss ordered me not to come back until I had used up a full two weeks of vacation time. He says I work too hard.”
    She expected Travis to laugh about that, but instead his brow furrowed, like there was something heavy weighing on his mind.
    “Maybe we can spend a little time hanging out,” he suggested. “Go up to DC and drive around some, take in the tourist stuff?”
    Eden bit her lip. She wasn’t sure if Travis was trying to get rid of her, or saying he wanted to keep seeing her. Why the hell didn’t men come with instruction manuals?
    “Sure, we can go up to DC,” she said quietly. “Or we can stay down here and hang out on the beach. Either one works for me.”
    He smiled, clearly relieved. “Great. I thought maybe we could look around DC so I can check out apartments. See if maybe there were some jobs I might be able to apply for.”
    Eden’s heart started thudding hard in her chest, and she felt her breath coming a little faster. “You’re considering moving to DC?”
    Travis tensed again. He poked at his food with his chopsticks again. “Yeah, I was thinking about it. But only if you’re okay with the idea. I don’t want you to think I’m stalking you.”
    She almost laughed. “Of course I wouldn’t think you’re stalking me.” Actually, she was thrilled at the idea. “But what about the job offer from your navy friend?”
    Travis shrugged. “It’s a good offer, and I probably would have taken the job already if I hadn’t met you. Now I’m not sure if I want to take it. Virginia Beach and DC are a little too far apart for my liking.”
    Eden’s heart was thudding so loudly she was sure Travis could hear it. “Are you saying that you want to keep seeing me after this? Like have a relationship, I mean?”
    “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying,” he said. “Unless you’re not interested, in which case, that’s not what I’m saying at all.”
    She realized she’d been sitting there holding the container of chicken up in her hand for the last five minutes. She set the box on the table and pushed it away from the edge. Then she put her hands flat on the table so she wouldn’t start clapping them in joy.
    “I’m definitely interested and I’d love if we could keep seeing each other.” She smiled. “And yes, I think you moving to the DC would be really great, too. There are a ton of jobs up there for someone with your qualifications. I could even help you look. If you want my help, I mean.”
    In fact, she knew the perfect place for him to work—the DCO. He already had the tactical skills for the job as well as the security clearance, and Eden knew for a fact that he worked with shifters quite well.
    She didn’t want to say anything about it until she talked to John, though. But she’d think about when they got up to DC. Right now, she had seven whole days to spend with Travis doing whatever they wanted.
    “I’m not too proud to ask for help,” Travis said, digging into his Mongolian beef with a lot more enthusiasm now. “And while I’m not that picky about where I work, I should probably warn you food service and retail are probably out. I’m not real good at the customer service stuff.”
    She laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
    They talked about what kind of tourist stuff they could do in Virginia Beach while they finished dinner, but as they sat there afterward, Eden could no longer contain

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