Hot SEALs: Her Special Alpha (Kindle Worlds) (X-OPS 3.5)
moment she sent it sailing across the room, she weaved the fingers of both hands in his dark, silky hair and pulled him forward to get that amazing mouth of his on her neck.
    He started at her ear, nibbling and licking her lobe in the most spine-tingling way ever. She wasn’t sure, but was it possible to have an earlobe orgasm? Before she could find out, his warm, soft mouth was on the move, trailing wet kisses down her neck, pausing momentarily at the sensitive skin over her collar bone before finding his way to her cleavage.
    Eden leaned back and let out a long, soft moan as Travis moved back and forth from one nipple to the other, nibbling a little harder at them with his teeth than he had her earlobe. She’d never had a guy do that before, but clearly she’d been missing out. He alternated between hard nips, gentle sucking, and slow sensual lapping, too. Somehow, he seemed to know when his oral assault was becoming too intense, switching at just the perfect moment.
    Eden could have sat there in his lap all night enjoying what he was doing to her breasts, but Travis obviously had other ideas. He pushed her back on his lap, leaving her no choice but to move her hands behind her to support herself on his knees. The position pushed her breasts higher, a move that Travis definitely appreciated if the white hot heat in his eyes was any indication.
    With her arms behind her, all Eden could do was watch breathlessly as Travis glided his hands up her midriff to her breasts, cupping them and tweaking each nipple between his thumbs and forefingers. He kept his eyes locked with hers as he squeezed and massaged, apparently enjoying the way she writhed all over his lap in pleasure.
    His mouth curved into a lazy smile as he slid the fingers of one hand down from her left breast, along her tightly stretched abs. He paused for a moment to toy with her belly button, but then moved lower yanking open the buttons on her jeans with a tug.
    Gaze still locked with hers, he slipped a hand down her pants. Eden couldn’t help but suck in a breath when the tip of one finger eased inside her panties and found her clit. She didn’t realize how excited she was, not until that very moment. But when he touched her clit, she knew he could make her come right then if he wanted to. She was that turned on.
    Her hands tightened on his knees, and she leaned back even further, lifting her ass off his thighs a bit to give him better access. He took the hint and burrowed a little deeper into her panties, moving his fingertip in tight circles directly on her clit.
    “Oh God, that feels good,” she moaned, wiggling and gyrating her hips faster in time to the movements of his finger. Her fangs were completely elongated now, so her words came out a little slurred, but Travis didn’t seem to mind.
    “I love watching you move like that,” he said in a low, sexy voice. “And the way your eyes glow brighter and brighter the closer you get to coming is the most exquisite thing I’ve ever seen.”
    “You think you can make me come like this?” she challenged.
    “Oh, I know I can,” he said in a husky voice. “Then I’m going to carry you to that big bed and make you come over and over again until the sun comes up.”
    Eden purred. She loved a confident man, especially one who knew how to work her body like a Travis did.
    He was smart enough to know that the best way to make her come was to kept up a steady rhythm, and that was exactly what he did, making perfect little circles on her clit with the absolutely right amount of pressure. It took only a few minutes for the tingles to start deep down inside her. She undulated her hips faster and faster as she started to lose control, and Travis had to grab her ass with his free hand to keep her from falling off his lap. Even though she knew it was coming, she was still caught off guard when her orgasm hit. One second the tingling was slowly building, the next her body was going into spasms as her climax rushed

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