His Majesty's Child

His Majesty's Child by Sharon Kendrick Page A

Book: His Majesty's Child by Sharon Kendrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Kendrick
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    â€˜Must you show your emotions so openly?’ he snapped.
    Melissa gave a bitter laugh. ‘Maybe my acting skills aren’t as accomplished as yours.’
    â€˜And what’s that supposed to mean?’
    She shook her head. ‘It doesn’t matter.’
    â€˜Oh, but it does,’ he objected. ‘Tell me. I insist.’
    For a moment she felt like retorting that he might be King but he didn’t have the power to get her to do something she didn’t want to. Except that deep down she suspected her words might lack conviction. And maybe it would do him good to hear a few home truths for once.
    â€˜When I met you—you seemed like—well, like a…’She chose her words carefully because the last thing she wanted him to hear was how completely he had captivated her heart in those few heady days of their romance. Because even if he had lost his memory, she wasn’t stupid enough to think it had been mutual. For her, it had been a life-changing experience. And for him? Nothing more than an agreeable affair with no questions asked. ‘You seemed like a nice guy,’ she finished.
    Casimiro recoiled as if he had been struck. ‘ A nice guy? ’ he repeated incredulously. ‘You are trying to damn me with faint praise?’
    â€˜Oh, what’s the point in raking up all this?’ she questioned tiredly. ‘It doesn’t matter what I say—all I know is that, whatever happens, we can’t get married.’
    His eyes narrowed. ‘Why not?’
    â€˜Because we don’t love each other—why, we don’t even like each other!’
    Her insolence and thanklessness almost took his breath away—but he would wait until he had his ring on her finger before he at tempted to show her just what he would and would not tolerate.
    â€˜We have a child between us,’ he reminded her. ‘A child who is the rightful heir to my throne. A throne that I was about to renounce,’ he added bitterly, the words out before he could stop them.
    Across the candlelight, Melissa stared at him. ‘ Renounce your kingdom? But why would you do that?’
    â€˜Because I felt trapped,’ he snapped. ‘Unable to live my life as I wished to live it. And my brother also has a son—which is why I was about to relinquish my kingdom to him.’
    â€˜B-but you’ve always been heir to the throne,’ said Melissa shakily, trying to assemble all the facts which were jumbling together in her mind. ‘You must have been used to the restrictions it put on you.’
    Of course he had. But he had been able to temporarily forget about those restrictions when he had been living his life to the full. Galloping his beloved horse, or taking out his little sailing boat and skimming it around the island. Or scaling one of the mighty peaks of the Prassino range of mountains over on the eastern side of Zaffirinthos.
    But after his fall, everything had changed and his ‘dangerous’ activities had been curtailed. The people had nearly lost their beloved King, they had argued passionately—and he must ensure that he did not place himself in such a vulnerable position again.
    Casimiro had been able see their point—even if he had not necessarily agreed with it. So that when his brother’s wife had given birth to baby Cosimo, it had occurred to him that he could give his people what they surely desired more than anything. A continuation of the royal blood line. And his throne to a brother who had always secretly wanted it. And then along had come Miss Melissa Maguire and put paid to all his plans.
    He stared into her green eyes, at the spiky shadows made by her long lashes. ‘Because since my accident so much has been for bid den to me that I feel hemmed in,’ he said grimly. ‘Like the bird about to soar up into the sky suddenly being shut in a gilded cage. Trapped.’ Melissa swallowed, because—despite his

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