Here and Now
changed. Spending thirty grand on a party isn’t going to solidify my love for you any more than it already is. Janice, this is ridiculous. Why can’t we just compromise here?”
    “Because you weren’t there for me when I asked you to be. If you wanted a wedding that was thirty grand, you should have told me. When I asked what you wanted, you said you didn’t give a shit. You told me I had the reins for this one and I could have whatever the hell I wanted, so that’s your fault, Ryan.”
    I was going to slap her. “Again, I mean t under reasonable circumstances. Not fifty thousand dollars.”
    She gave me a look of menace. “How was I supposed to know that unless you communicate d with me? The biggest expense is the Plaza, and that’s not something I’m willing to compromise on.”
    “How much is it?”
    Her eyes darted to the list in my hand then back to me.
    I held it to my eyes. “Fifteen thousand? Are you renting out the whole damn hotel?”
    “Just one of the conference rooms.”
    “Okay…that’s insane. You realize that’s how much people make a year, right?”
    Janice wasn’t budging. “So, you’re saying we should get married at city hall instead? That’s how we should spend our magical day?”
    “Or we could do something cheaper. Seri ously, are we speaking the same language here? Because I feel like you aren’t understanding a damn word I’m saying.”
    Janice wal ked back to her room. “If you leave, I’m coming after you and dragging you by the hair.”
    “Wait. What happened to no one leaves until we figure this out?”
    “I’m not leaving,” she snapped. “I’m going in my room.”
    “That still constitutes as leaving.” I pointed a finger at her. “If I don’t get to walk out, neither do you.”
    “Not the same thing.”
    “Yes, it is.”
    I tossed my keys aside then moved to the couch. “So? What now?”
    “You tell me,” she said with an attitude.
    “Let me know when you pull your head out of your ass.”
    Her eyes flashed in anger. “Fine. If you want to have a cheaper wedding, you do it on your own.”
    I had no interest in doing that. Just listening to Janice talk about it with her friends put me to sleep.
    “That’s what I thought.”
    “How about we do it together?”
    “Like I originally asked?”
    I was getting sick of that bitchy attitude. “Can you calm the hell down and talk to me like a normal person?”
    “I will if you stop being a jerk off.”
    This needed to end now. I marched to her across the room, my arms swinging by my sides. Janice eyed my hands and stepped back for a second, the fear flashing across her face. Then she regained her courage and stood her ground. I shoved her into the door then pressed my body against hers. “Two can play this game.” I gripped her hair then kissed her hard on the mouth. She tried to fight me for a moment but I overpowered her with my strength and weight.
    “Get off me,” she said into my mouth.
    I got the door opened then pushed her inside. When we reached the bed, I lifted her on the surface then crawled on top of her. She tried to buck me off but I wouldn’t let her.
    I pinned her down then ripped off her bottoms. “Payback time.”
    She tried to throw me off but her attempts were futile.
    I held her down with one arm then got my jeans and boxers off. Janice practically raped me so many times and made me feel cheap and dirty. I was a slave to my own urges but now I was going to do the same for her. If she really didn’t want me inside her, she would verbally tell me. Until she said that, nothing would stop me.
    “You’re such a fucking asshole,” she said as she tried to shove me off.
    I separated her legs then found her entrance. I slid inside, feeling her wetness. I moaned because it felt so good. “For being pissed off, you seem to be awfully wet.”
    Once I was inside her, the fight in her dimmed. A quiet moan emerged from deep in her throat.
    I didn’t have to use my weight to keep her

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