Here and Now
a raised attitude. “Because you failed miserably.”
    “That was before you acted like a back-stabbing bitch. I won’t be so merciful next time.” I pulled out with one fluid motion then pulled my clothes on. I grabbed a beer then sat on the couch, ignoring her. She fixed her hair then grabbed a yogurt before she went into the bedroom and slammed the door.

    Scarlet’s words really got to me.
    After everything I did to prove I was the best husband in the world, she still doubted our relationship. She had more faith in other people than she did in us. Not only did it piss me off, it hurt me. Really hurt me.
    She kept sending me glances from her side of the car. “Sean, I didn’t mean it in a bad way.”
    I kept my eyes glued to the road and my mouth shut. I just wanted to get home so I wouldn’t have to be so close to her.
    “Sean, talk to me.”
    I pulled into the driveway then killed the engine. “Just leave me alone, Scar.” I got out and slammed the door.
    She jumped out of the car then walked beside me. “Please don’t take it the wrong way.”
    “The wrong way?” I halted in my tracks and glared at her. “After everything I’ve done to right my wrongs, you still don’t believe in me.  You still don’t trus t me. Why should I even bother?”
    “That’s not what I said,” she argued.
    “No. You just said that we’re unstable and unreliable. That Janice and Ryan, two of the most hot-headed people I’ve ever known, are more likely to last than you and, who are already married. Those two argue with each other until they bleeding with wounds. But yet, they have a better chance than we do. It’s a damn slap in the face.”
    “Sean, it was just an exaggeration. I just mean those two would survive anything.”
    “And we wouldn’t?” I snapped.
    “That’s not what I meant either.”
    I walked through the door and ignored my dad, who was sitting on the couch drinking a glass of wine. “Whatever, Scar. I know exactly what you meant.”
    “Sean, you’re taking this the wrong way.”
    “No, I understand perfectly. No matter what I do, I’ll always live with my mistakes. I’ll never really be forgiven and you’ll never really move on. I can be the damn man of the year but it won’t change anything. I was an asshole and now I’ll be an asshole for rest of my life. It’s a label I’ll never be able to shake. I’m stuck with it. I get it.”
    My dad shifted his weight , uncomfortable on the couch.
    “That’s not how it is,” she said gently. “At all.”
    “Whatever,” I snapped. “When it comes down to it, you have more faith in other people than you do in your own husband. In case you forgot, you’re the one who threw divorce in my face. You’re the one who made me feel like shit on purpose. And I was the one who told you that was never an option. So, if we fall apart, it’s because of you. Not me.” I moved up the stairs and gripped the rail. “Now leave me the hell alone.”
    “Andrew, please help,” I heard Scarlet say to my dad.
    I moved into my office then slammed the door. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, especially my wife. Honestly, I wasn’t that mad at her. I was just wounded by her lack of faith. It hurt me to my core.
    My father knocked on the door. “Can I come in?”
    I couldn’t be rude to my dad. It was ingrained in me to always be respectful toward him. The fact Scarlet turned to him was diligently smart and low. “Yeah.”
    He walked inside then approached my desk, his hands in his sweatpants. Even when he was dressed down, his clothes didn’t have a single wrinkle. His shirt looked like it had been ironed before he put on. Actually, I wouldn’t put it past my dad. He had some weird quirks. “Everything alright?”
    “Yeah,” I said in a clipped tone. I turned on my computer and went through my emails. I hardly worked from home, and these emails could wait until tomorrow, but it was the one place I could run to get away from my wife. Scarlet

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