Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter)

Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter) by Bryce Evans

Book: Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter) by Bryce Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryce Evans
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convention to start in two days.  Ash knew that shifters from all over the world came to the lodge to have fun and meet other shifters to see if their mate was in a different pack. 
    “ Okay, I think we got these done.  You ready for your first meeting?”  Ash smiled as they got up with all the envelopes. 
    “ Ready as I ever will be.  Until yesterday I never knew this stuff existed.”  River declared as she got up and walked out of the room with Ash laughing.
    “ Hey, Ash.”  River stopped Ash with her hand.  Ash looked confused as she looked over at her.  She didn’t know if she had something on her face or they had left something.
    “ If I didn’t tell you before.  I really appreciate this opportunity to start over.  Maybe even start a life here.  I’ve never had friends, except Mary, so just sitting here stuffing envelopes may not mean anything to other people, but…well it means the world to me.  It’s the normal everyday stuff that I’ve never had an opportunity to do.”  Ash could see that River was sincere and it tugged at her protective gears.  She knew she would help this woman with her new life.  She would be her first friend.
    Ash smiled then pushed her shoulder into River playing with her.  “Don’t make me cry, girl.  You are welcome.” 
    Ash smiled back at River as they continued to walk to the meeting.  As first days went, River was happier then she had ever been.  Ash had already showed River the computer system and she fell in love.  It was the same computer and programs she was used to.  Half the day had already passed as they fell into a rhythm together.  River prayed hard hoping that this was the start of her new life.  She couldn ’t stop smiling as they walked down the hall.
    Larken and Larsen were waiting for Ash outside the meeting room when they exited from the elevator.  River could hear the entire group of Alphas talking as they walked closer to the room.  She could see that Ash ’s mates worried about her.  She wanted that one day with someone special.  Could Freedom, Colorado, be that special place she could finally settle down.  She wanted to so bad.  Normal sounded great right now.  The thought of a job and home wasn’t too much to ask for.  Was it?   River didn’t care if she had a cardboard box as a home because it would be her home, one that she could take care of and finally make it her own.
    “ Ready, baby?” Larken asked Ash as he kissed her on top of the head.
    “ Of course, baby.  This isn’t my first rodeo?”  River watched as Ash warned her mates.  Her eyebrow went up letting them know she meant business.  Ash was a survivor too and River had a feeling they could see that in each other.  Maybe that was why she felt like she knew her from somewhere.  
    “ I would love to ride that horse later if you are offering,” Larsen teased Ash.  The twin’s presence was overwhelming as they loved on their woman.  River stood back a minute as she tried to look anywhere else but at the twins molesting their mate outside the room.  She couldn’t help to watch them as they passionately kissed Ash.  She could also see the love they felt for her.  Apparently loving two men could work because Ash was walking proof of that.  Maybe it had something to do with shifters because they were overly affectionate with each other even in public.  They nuzzled her neck and face, constantly touching her.  She felt like a voyeur watching. 
    “ Enough, guys,” Ash whispered as she gulped in air.  “If you keep that up, then I won’t be able to concentrate.”  Ash kissed each of her mates one last time when Jonas walked outside.  Smiling at her, River watched as Jonas walked over to her. 
    “ Hey.  How has your first day been?”  River liked that about Jonas.  He was sweet asking about her day.
    “ It has been great.  Thanks for asking.”  River smiled back at Jonas.
    Ash and her mates started walking into the meeting as

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