come to the lab after
breakfast?” she asked looking around as if she expected someone to
listen in.
    “Sure,” Sierra said. “We’ll hurry.”
    Zeus groaned to himself. He was enjoying his
breakfast with his mate. The food and the company was good but now
he had to hurry. They rushed through breakfast meeting Nioma at the
lab about ten minutes later.
    She looked up from her microscope. “I have
some information for you. First let’s discuss this drug Hades was
given. I think it was intended to interfere with the mating
hormone. I suspect the intention is to see if they can breed gods
who have been given this drug with women of their choosing. It’s
suppose to cancel any natural hormone and give the subject a new
‘mate’ for lack of a better word. They hope to cause the mating
attraction develop with whoever they put a god with. I might be
wrong, but I believe Hades was used as a test and the trouble it
caused with his mate was just the cherry on top. They don’t want
any gods mating because they want to choose their mates and harvest
their children.”
    “That’s just sick,” Sierra said.
    “How likely is it that they’ll refine this
drug enough to make it work?” Zeus asked.
    “It made Hades pass out, so that’s not good.
They now have a tranquilizer they know will work with few side
effects later. You told me Doc was a target, maybe they need her to
finish the work because they lost a lot of researchers when they
lost this facility and a few fled going into hiding. This drug
starts by attacking the mating chemicals, but it loses the battle.
It put so much strain on Hades’s body that it knocked him out.”
    “This could be a big problem. Our mates are
the most important thing in the world to us. It’s already hard to
understand the process but if they can mess with it, what hope do
any of the unmated have of being sure they’ve found their soul
    “Why do you think they faked the sex tape?”
Sierra asked.
    “I think that bitch thought she could get
Hades if Doc was out of the picture. She probably did that on her
own,” Nioma guessed.
    “Hades never showed any interest in that
female, ever,” Zeus declared.
    “Some women just don’t care. They do all
kinds of things to try to get a man hooked even if it’s wrong,”
Nioma said.
    “Even if he belongs to someone else and she
knows he will never truly be hers,” Sierra added.
    “Some humans are crazy!” Zeus summed up.
    “Let’s hope the gods and demons are all well
adjusted because I need a break from that human kind of crazy,”
Nioma said. “Is Hades having the lab techs send us any biological
material? I heard the place was overloaded with it.”
    Zeus looked thoughtful. “We have the head
doctor from the site. She’s a mate to one of the gods and Hades
thinks she’s alright. He said he would discuss her unusual
situation in person. According to what he’s seen and been told, the
material is in various degrees of decomposition. The doctor said
she has slides of material from each embryo and fetus, they were
horribly mutated and those that didn’t die on their own were
destroyed. Only a small group of slides were kept in a cooler
locked. They were trying to grow more gods using harvested
materials but for some reason we have a failsafe against that kind
of breeding that Cronos didn’t have. Speaking of Cronos, what’s up
with him?”
    “He’s been having movement and his brainwaves
seem to be increasing but so slowly it’s barely noticeable. Doc
said that he’s been asleep for possibly thousands of years and he’s
kinda like a computer booting up after being shut down a long time.
He’ll wake up when he’s ready and forcing it could have a
detrimental effect on him. I’ve checked out all the information we
have and I agree with Doc. It’s sort of like what’s happening with
her right now, ironic in a way.”
    “Thank you, Nioma. I don’t know what we’d do
without you right now,” Sierra said sniffling a

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